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Medic  Prem Skill, LAN Team

UnitedStates bear

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm an NA medic looking for a team at i58.
As far as experience goes I've been to an NA LAN (GXL 2015, tied for 7th place iirc), won IM last season and am currently playing in invite

esea profile for those interested https://play.esea.net/users/605506?tab=history

If there are legitimately no teams looking for a medic I can play soldier at a decent level due to my comms and jumps, would need to grind my DM out for a little while to be at a level close to my medic play (probably at an open or IM level right now tbh)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:99379422 Add Friend

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  1. SKRTSKRT said:


  2. bear said:

    As a wise man once said, I Want To Kill.
    For real tho hmu I want a lan team