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EngineerPyro  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, Highlander

SouthKorea Baguette?!

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi there,
looking for a stable 3/4 div team.
Have previous experience in div 4 as pyro and engie and some seasons in ugc silver.
Can speak russian or english, but i prefer speaking english.
Available every day.
Sub spot is ok, but it will be great if I can play main.
Add me for trials and other stuff.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:56359951 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Yes Future [Highlander] Baguette?!
Joined Yes Future [Highlander] Hajdzik
Left Aerial Vomit [6v6] Baguette?!
Left Aerial Vomit [Highlander] Baguette?!
Joined Aerial Vomit [6v6] Jedi(fla)master
Joined Aerial Vomit [Highlander] Jedi(fla)master
Left Nine Days [Highlander] Baguette?!
Joined Nine Days [Highlander] Baguette?!

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4 1 275


  1. Reda: mib* said:

    Good player. Improves fast and wants to do it.

  2. o5breadfan: Odin - -9D- said:

    ahyenniy pyro

  3. sinr said:

    Solid div4
    -div3 isn’t even a crazy jump for this guy

  4. Max: Fusion said:

    In my personal opinion, he’ll hardly be able to do well in d3. However he seems pretty promising for d4.

    Take him for your team I say, he isn’t bad ;)

  5. Max: Fusion said:

    Wait I read it as d3/d4 but you were lf d4/d5… I feel stupid.

    Then just get him quickly he is good for those divs.

  6. Bob Bami said:

    div 4 guy right here

  7. dodo: ⇗upp⇙ said:


  8. Baguette?! said:


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