ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerSoldier  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European Funnn

Posted by batyex: | Last Online:

We want to make a really cool team for Highlander!!!
If you have over 213 hours we want YOU in our team!!!

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  1. Shu said:

    Hey! i have 900+ hours on tf2 and looking for a team :D

  2. batyex said:

    Thanks for joining us !!!

  3. Jababaflaba said:

    Hey! i got over 1000+ hours on tf2 and i main pyro, soldier and engi! i would be happy to join your team! however, this would be my first time playing highlander so im a bit green. if you feel like i would make a good edition to your team, add me :) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067961264

  4. LeSpyKalashinov said:

    Hey lad,i see you are lookin’ for someone great at TF. Im a demoman profissional right from Scotland,i got +800 hours and lookin’ to be on your team. Thanks!

  5. loony said:

    I got over 400+ hours on tf2 and looking for a team.

  6. Go for the eyes said:

    I have 670 hours on tf2 and i’m looking for a team
    I main scout, demo and soldier.

  7. Imacreepylittlecreep said:

    Whats up?

    I have almost 800 hours played and i would like to join the team.

    I main scout, spy, engie n heavy.

  8. Kimo: 124 - -Xe- said:

    Hours does not equal to skill.