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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

International failed

Posted by Bonkers: | Last Online:

I've decided to make my own team, as im incompatible with so many :D
Looking for All classes
mid div 5 experience is necessary, going to enter on wireplay and esl
Speak fluent English
Decent game-sense and deathmatch

Feel free to add me on steam
Going to get a mumble server soon
When i get a full roster, will be looking for a sponsor.

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  1. Oxy: TC.Express said:


  2. poison said:

    gl bro

  3. Zealos said:

    Respect for giving this a go man, making a team ain’t easy, best of luck :D

  4. AruS said:

    Hello :) I wanna trial for the med spot

  5. ZeepaAan: skeå said:

    Good luck with the team :) You can use my mumble server instead of ordering one. I’ve got enough slots :)

  6. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Good luck Bonkers!

  7. BonkerS said:

    Thanks zeepaAn, i appreciate it.
    @Arus, Please read the post fully or atleast provide some info on the experience part

  8. BonkerS said:

    got enough medic trialees looking for the rest now :P (yes this is a shameful bump)