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HeavySoldier  Open Skill, Highlander

Hungary Aysentaro

Posted: | Last Online:

heavy HL
soldier 6s preferably pocket

main only, english plz

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:211145077 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Premature Overextenders [Highlander] Solid
Joined Premature Overextenders [Highlander] Kain McWhip
Left Rage your Dream [6v6] Aysentaro
Joined Rage your Dream [6v6] Aysentaro
Left The next Episode [6v6] For3RunCrew
Joined The next Episode [6v6] Aysentaro

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  1. nubbi: MANDEM said:

    really toxic, bad calls, would not recommend

  2. Nightmare: AVN said:

    Why do you even bother making a recpost. You’re known by everyone for being one of the most toxic shitters who ever touched this game.

  3. DaFuQWiZaT said:

    please just quit the game nobody cares m8

  4. Aysentaro said:

    premiership players gatekeeping open div again, but then later will complain why no new players coming to the site, hilarious

  5. John Cena: Brett said:

    deserves prem

  6. viking said:

    deserves invite

  7. Osero: G6 said:

    Let me help you out my child Aysentaro, here’s a tutorial on how to delete your steam account. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=4650-SDKC-0716&l=english#howto

  8. 6red said:

    :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD the pillar of the hungarian community:DDDDDDDDDD

  9. n1ven: exo. - Fight Club said:

    He has decent gamesense, if he practices a little humility, he can be a great teamplayer!