ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Open Skill, 6v6

European Attense

Posted by Maik: | Last Online:

We're a new team full of enthusiasm and compassion looking for a Scout, either flank or pocket, subs are welcome too, for the upcoming season, and most likely thereafter. By a new team, I mean fresh of the production line, familiar with the competitive scene, but that won't stop us from achieving anything.

If you are interested in trialing, by means of playing a scrim with the rest of our team, invite me on Steam and we'll figure out the rest along the way!

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One Comment

  1. Kiwi: cooking said:


    Im a swedish guy who is looking to start playing TF2 competitively and I thought that I could try out as scout on your team. I have no experience with competitive TF2 other than some games on TF2Center. I recently took a break from TF2 and played Overwatch and got a rank of 3813SR playing as Junkrat, Mccree, Zenyatta and Roadhog if that says anything. I still have school things to attend to so I can’t play 24/7 but I can usually play from 15:00 to 23:00 and/or more depending on the day.

    Here is my steam account if you want to take a look!

    Thank you!