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Spy  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Ashenfall

Posted: | Last Online:

I am looking for a Div 5/6 Team to play Spy for. I have 440 hours as Spy, and I play for Multiple Orgasms in Steel who are in 8th place currently.

I can play most evenings, and will most likely always be available to play unless I say otherwise.

I am English, 17 years old and I have mumble, teamspeak and ventrilo (and skype if needed).

Also, here is a video of my last official (just some clips) on 1/4/2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aexksI4BrM8

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:63816919 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Gecko Dreamers [6v6] Ashenfall
Joined O L D B O Y S [Highlander] Temrane
Left Ashen [1v1] Ashenfall
Joined Ashen [1v1] Ashenfall
Left eXtremists [Highlander] Ashenfall
Joined eXtremists [Highlander] Ashenfall
Left Multiple Orgasms [Highlander] Ashenfall
Joined Multiple Orgasms [Highlander] Ashenfall
Left Already Average [Highlander] Ashenfall
Left Org-BBallKA [2v2] Ashenfall
Left Less than average [6v6] Ashenfall
Joined Org-BBallKA [2v2] Ashenfall
Joined Less than average [6v6] Ashenfall
Joined Already Average [Highlander] Ashenfall

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  1. Neoxyde said:

    Good luck Ashen ! <3

  2. onv said:

    cool dude from what I can remember.
    I like it when spy mains don’t try to jump up divisions too fast. good luck.

  3. Ashenfall: .gecko - IHL said:

    Thank you Neo, and thank you Onv!

  4. Solid Speerlaiye: who is? - itsallgood said:

    Great guy. Could easily do div 4 so pick him up if you’re looking for a spy :)

  5. spherefs said:

    Real nice guy, credit to team :)

  6. Tetrix: catgirl.tf said:

    Spy Core Of Team :3

  7. Notorious H.O.T. said:

    Good guy good spy, great gamesense.He’s the guy if u want someone to do the job properly

  8. Tuto: 8-) said:

    More hours than me and still playing div 5-6? Must be a mistake, Ashen can do div 4 for sure :) gl man

  9. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    As already said underrating himself skill wise, div 4/5 easily.

    Good luck :]

  10. -Hancake said:

    Lovely guy, would be a great addition to any team. +++rep

  11. Ashenfall: .gecko - IHL said:

    Thank you everyone, appreciate the feedback! <3

  12. Flood said:

    Imo an underrated spy, he’s a nice guy who is committed to improving and I could easily see him in a d4 team already. I recommend picking him up now as he will keep improving. Gl!

  13. Mads said:

    Decent, solid div 4/5

  14. Stuey said:

    Best MvM Heavy EU Except For Me :P

  15. Mr.Solitude said:

    Ashen best spy mexico, grab him

  16. Sapphira said:

    Not div 6 or 5 potential.
    Should go div 4, underrates himself.
    +Has the the sickest viaduct video.

  17. Ashenfall: .gecko - IHL said:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aexksI4BrM8 For anyone curious. \o/

  18. AV Fatal1ty: BacheloR - BacheloR said:

    decent spy, deserves to be in a good team

  19. Freddy said:

    Really, really nice guy and good player. I could see him doing higher than div5 tbh.
    But you won’t regret picking him up!

  20. NightWing94 said:


  21. Ashenfall: .gecko - IHL said:

    I have found a team! It is the eXtremists! :D