ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  High Skill, 6v6

Austria are you going to play serious

Posted by Pete_: | Last Online:

We are currently looking for a chill main pocket.
2-3 times/week max
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  1. TaylorSwiftFan100: Pander said:


  2. profix: FLANK said:

    ixy + 5 :D

  3. Bathory said:

    I’m coming back to the game after a break, would love to try to play with you guys if you are willing too, I was main roamer but I can play both.

  4. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    Let me know if you are interested, coming back to this shitgame after a break.. mm ..

  5. TaylorSwiftFan100: Pander said:

    found someone already, need to tell pete to take this down

  6. asadawarf: #ΣDM - (°)> said:

    hi i can play am i too late

  7. Jin said:

    pete smh