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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

Romania arctic

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User Profile | SteamID: U:1:397214074 Add Friend

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  1. fraftti said:

    anti semetic edgy toxic salt lord

  2. pesky: MILKY said:

    anti semitic toxic and ultra salty idk how is he not banned yet

  3. master said:

    anti semitic homophobic but he also has defects

  4. fraftti said:


  5. mlodzier said:

    You are too far to be low and you wanna look for mid actually
    Deluded af

  6. arctic said:

    mlodzier you play only open-low in this years good luck again in open maybe you play in mid after 2 years

  7. tendon: 312321 said:


  8. buud: REMOVE - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° said:

    Very racist, anti semetic, toxic, immature
    I would never suggest this player to anyone ever

  9. mlodzier said:

    Arctic nothing to say but you were calling me cheater when we played mge….

  10. samii: myx - SUCK said:


  11. hawk said:

    ye nah…

  12. TK_: MILKY said:

    awful pick

  13. laiky: .*・。゚*☆ said:


  14. Snowy said:


  15. arctic said:

    For all players who hate me. FUCK YOU :)