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Medic  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Netherlands Antiparticle

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm making another attempt to get into competitive TF2.
About me:

* I main Medic, it's my best and favorite class.
* I've played TF2 for about 1000 hours now, almost half of that as Medic.
* I've played almost 500 Lobbies. I also played a handful of PUGs.
* I have a working mic (of course) and Mumble and TeamSpeak.
* I'm old by Internet standards, so I'm hoping to find a clan with not too many squeaky 14-year olds.
* I also have a fulltime job so I can usually only play in evenings and weekends.
* I'm a team player, would like to find a clan with a positive attitude.

So yeah, if you're a Euro Div 6 team looking for a Medic feel free to reply here or add me on Steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:30279953 Add Friend

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Left Enslaved Zombies [6v6] LuF
Joined Enslaved Zombies [6v6] Antiparticle
Left Yen-Li Chen Ballet School [6v6] Un amour de Swann
Joined Yen-Li Chen Ballet School [6v6] Un amour de Swann

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