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Soldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

France AnroliF

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey i'm looking for a div3 team as solly. I'm available from sunday to thursday 21cet. ( 20cet sometimes). I like to be roaming soldier but I can be pocket solly. I can play with european people but i would rather a team with some french guys.

Contact AnroliF on #etf2l

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:6743256 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left battery fiddlers [6v6] op
Joined battery fiddlers [6v6] AnroliF
Left Pain au Chocolat [6v6] AnroliF
Joined BLAST [LAN Team] droso
Joined Pain au Chocolat [6v6] AnroliF
Left CiC Core [6v6] AnroliF
Joined Panier Balle [2v2] AnroliF
Joined CiC Core [6v6] Kop
Left Grognasse [6v6] AnroliF
Joined Grognasse [6v6] AnroliF
Left Team zOo [6v6] AnroliF
Joined Team zOo [6v6] PiPo
Left Squad Killer 10 [6v6 Fun Team] AnroliF
Left PBP BBALL [2v2] AnroliF
Left Rapture [6v6] AnroliF
Left AnroliF [1v1] AnroliF
Joined Rapture [6v6] AnroliF
Left PBP-Highlander [Highlander] Hydro-Dharma
Left PBP Poney [6v6] Hydro-Dharma
Joined AnroliF [1v1] AnroliF
Joined PBP-Highlander [Highlander] Hydro-Dharma
Joined PBP BBALL [2v2] AnroliF
Joined Squad Killer 10 [6v6 Fun Team] AnroliF
Left PBP-Arena [6v6 Fun Team] AnroliF
Joined PBP-Arena [6v6 Fun Team] AnroliF
Joined PBP Poney [6v6] AnroliF

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  1. achy said:

    really realy nice guy :D:D

  2. bun said:

    very sympatic and activ in the commmunity, Diserve a d3 team.

  3. Manov said:

    Give him the possibility to use his direct hit ;)
    Gl for your recruitement mate ;)

  4. AnroliF said:

    not anymore manov :D

    Direct hit only for the fun sometimes, its nice to see high numbers and pretty airshots but imo the direct hit keeps some disadvantages which makes the rocket launcher much better. ( lack of assists for your mates, irregularity)

  5. RaCio: GoT² said:

    I like <3

  6. AnroliF said:

    I’m currently playing with a french team to prepare an upcoming french lan ( nexen in Lille 14/16 may)

    I will be more available for any trials after this lan.

  7. Kop: [CiC] - CiC said:

    Great guy, very nice sollie aim,, easy top div 4 and prolly div 3 with practice within the team.

    Gl dude

  8. illii said:

    Un hélicoptère!

  9. AnroliF said:

    its right illi ! xD

  10. Gladia: DA! said:

    Direct hit man !