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Scout  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Azerbaijan Killerinstincts - Team Lad

Posted by Mailbawx: | Last Online:

Hello, we are the second team of Ambidextrous Introductions, formely known as Team Lad!

After the departure of helberg we are looking for another scout.

What we want:
mid- at least (div4 level)
Can take criticism
Doesn't whine 24/7
Can take a joke
Can English

TF2 server (currently shared with Ai, we'll have our own early August)
Mumble server
Cool dudz, if we say so ourselves

Contact Gobby on our Team Profile.

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View Mid- 23 685


  1. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    I’m cool

  2. war: GlueEater said:

    if these guys are mid- then my team is high+ fo sho’

  3. .panic said:

    can english

  4. Gobby Jensen said:

    War you’r a fucking piece of shit go fuck you’rself asshole!

  5. Mailbawx said:

    Hey war, considering we frequently 5-0 mid- I can say safely that we are at that skill level. I don’t believe that the couple of mixes you’ve played with us can give you a good idea of our skill level, specially when you decide to fuck around.
    Please feel free to express your opinion on our skill level, but do so when you have actually played enough with us to form any sort of opinion.

  6. TherioN said:

    “Cool dudz, if we say so ourselves”

    “War you’r a fucking piece of shit go fuck you’rself asshole!”


  7. Insanity: X( said:

    They don’t give criticism, they just say you suck.
    Their own English isn’t really the best either.
    Lots or rage, especially from Gobbbyyyyy, this point is probably gonna be proven cos he’ll say I suck and need to eat a dick etc etc

    Nonetheless, they got the skill and apart from Gobby they’re quite nice guys.


  8. fawlen: HB - Doj said:

    best guys mid- for sure :)
    played with them mixes and stuff and their fun guys to play with
    best of luck lads =]

  9. Mailbawx said:

    “Can take criticism”

    “They don’t give criticism, they just say you suck”

    Your problem.

    Also, I apologise to War for Gobby’s behaviour. However I have found that Gobby is a wise man, you might want to try and follow his suggestion.

  10. Finn: [:B] said:

    Quite nice guys, Lagger is pr0, Failbawx has no foreskin, and MartinLH wants to roam >:(

  11. TherioN said:

    Martin is sexy <3

  12. MartinLH: ez-sports.ru said:

    its just who i am Therion

  13. blorgalicious said:

    mid-? I’m not one to care really about shit teams overrating normally but come on.

  14. MartinLH: ez-sports.ru said:

    so strange, after we changed name from Lad! like, to this, we have seemed to get proplems with ppl who say we Overrating, but blorg. when you win almost all games you play ageinst mid- . What does that make us then?

  15. konr said:

    Love you guys.
    Look at my mouse mat btw.
    Look at it.

  16. .panic said:

    Did you only get it for bragging rights?

  17. kittiesgomad said:

    nice guys. need to work with team work and comms but still they are decent bunch.

  18. erratic said:

    “War you’r a fucking piece of shit go fuck you’rself asshole!”

    Gobby is like this 24/7, maybe you will like to get flamed randomly, to be called a cocksucker, and an asshole all the time. If you like to treated like shit, join this clan :) you will like gobby alot.

    Inb4 wannabe intellectual comeback from mailbawx. (or rage from gobby)

    My 2 cents.

  19. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:

    some good skills and potential, left because of them acting like like little kids to all the people we play, no real sportsmanship.


  20. erratic said:

    be treated*

  21. erratic said:

    i love you guys. but come on :D

  22. PureX: U-D-D said:

    for at være ærlig, kender jeg Gobby rimelig godt og NEJ du dem i den clan er ikke nogle cool dudz, skill level er rigtigt, men gobby og mailbawx er to komplete idioter, og der går ikke lang tid får du for lyst til at ligge dig ned og dø. GL lol…

  23. GuMMi: frø - px. said:

    Danish people always stick together in tough times ^^

  24. PureX: U-D-D said:

    to be honest, I know Gobby reasonably well and NO you them in the clan are not some cool dudz, skill level is right, but gobby and mailbawx are two complete idiots, and there is not much time you get the urge to lie you off and die. GL lol …

  25. Gobby Jensen said:

    Thanks for the Gr8 responses Guy ;) i can see that every1 Loves Gobbyyyyy :DDD aaaww

  26. erratic said:

    I was waiting for rage :<

  27. Fraa: LG said:

    Nice team sad to see helberg go. Heh best luck to you guys finding scout :)

  28. Mailbawx said:


    Blorg, we hail thee, oh king of Blorgs. We bow down before you and asl forgiveness for dissapointing you. But do not fear! We, the army of blorgs shall march forth and lay waste to all the heretics! Please don’t judge our skill from a mix with 2 offclass.

    erratic, old chap, how about nice cup of intellectual arguement. For you see, magnets are no miracle.

    Helberg makes cry
    I feel like I’ll die
    and wrting gay poems.

    Purex, DU ER PERKER.

  29. konr said:

    No offense Femailbawx but you’re horrible at sounding smart. One of the reasons for that is that you make mistakes, and the other is because you sound like harrygomm.

  30. Gobby Jensen said:

    Femailbox you should really stop… you sound retarded…

  31. Mailbawx said:

    I make mistakes because I’m on a shitty laptop.

  32. Clippen said:

    do want trial

  33. fawlen: HB - Doj said:

    <3 gobby N' Martin!

  34. Gobby Jensen said:

    Who Dosen’t :)… oh right…

  35. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said: