ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyMedicPyroScoutSoldier  Open Skill, Fresh Meat

UnitedStates AFnoodles

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, I go by AFnoodles on steam and I'm in UTC time. I have 1,465 hours in TF2 but have never really touched the competitive scene, the most experience I've had is the 2 games of valve's 'competitive' mode. I have a basic understanding of the comp meta, I don't really have a main so I can flex to fill most classes the team may need.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:182427933 Add Friend

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Joined Tender Meat [6v6] SCARCOB​

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  1. AboBakr said:

    hi, I would like to join a team I don’t really have a main although I mostly play medic & soldier.

  2. sanboy: -TM- said:

    ey im a scout main i have 1000 hours on scout and 2000 in the game i have only played tf2 highlander for 5 matches so if i can i would like to join :P

  3. DWD said:

    i would like to join the team, i am a spy main, but i can play some other classes pretty well, for example soldier and medic.

  4. DWD said:

    btw, i would prefer if you would give me the username so i can friend you on steam.