ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Germany AbsolventenMitGeld

Posted by Trine: | Last Online:

Trying to get a mature team together for season18. Maturity ment by behaviour not age: sportive, fair, non-raging, non-egoistic and all the other positive attributes of a sportsman.
The team (Access Denied) will apply for division4. So we've got enough time for scrimms, training etc. You don't need to leave your team by now…we will put a roaster together and grow together until s18 begins.
Prettty much looking for a scout that could carry the wing and a good raomer. When your're stepping back form a higher div, just want to play smoothly and are willing to share your experience with others, add me quickly.

Cheers $oul aka Trine

PS. Mature behaviour, mumble/ fluent english and comp experience is a must…

Positions of the medic, demo and pocket are taken. Trials open for raomers and scouts, which i got lots in the pool that are still waiting for trails. Sorry guys if its taking so long, but its rly a plenty off ppl to review.

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View Div 4 9 1228


  1. Vekselstrøm: 105 said:

    Souljah is a nice guy, fun to play with and definitely capable of d4, gl with this project!

  2. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Really good guy. Hope this team does well!

  3. Souljah: AMG said:

    Thanks guys. Wish you all the best for this season and hope that you will move on to d3 next season where we will fight each other with honour in s19 or finally in prem div anytime in the future ;)

  4. Myth! said:

    Its not let me added you can you add me?

    Thanks :)

  5. Sorsa: mooz said:

    Added to talk :)

  6. KaaaNoob: CnB said:

    added you to talk

  7. Milan: exo. - MEG! said:

    Added to talk for a demo slot :)

  8. Adrian said:

    Can u trial me ? :P if ye add

  9. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    Souljah is one amazing guy who is really motivated to create his own team. If you are looking for cool friend and later on when he create his own team, it will be defenitely an amazing one. It’s worth giving a try fellas! Good luck mate! :) <3

  10. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    i am looking for div 4 medic next season can’t add you to talk so add me if you can

  11. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    dude can’t add you on steam pls add me

  12. wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: e²PS said:

    I might be interested add me if you want to talk.

  13. ONlock: YOYO\' said:

    I may be interested in the scout spot if it’s still free? I have previous experience from div 2, and the Norwegian national team. But I haven’t played in 3-4 years now. I unfortunately can’t be active for more than 2 days a week. But if it sounds good, just add me on steam and we’ll talk.

  14. counter4561: ITIFY - JaR said:

    Interested in Med slot after this current season