ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavyMedic  Open Skill, Highlander

European 90% Apple Juice

Posted by Latsu7: | Last Online:

We're a newly founded TF2 competitive team with little experience from the comp, and are looking forward of finding new people and friends to play competitive with!

Looking for subs:

If you need additional info, don't be afraid to hit us up on our e-mail:
[email protected]

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  1. cantar: kaban - EDO said:

    can play snip add me

  2. Boki said:

    Hello, I’m a 19 years old gamer from Finland with flexible times and currently trying to get into HL as an Engineer main. I have little experience in 6’s but when it comes to HL I only have lobby experience.

    Overall hours: 3,430h
    Engineer: +200 hours
    (had a stat reset a while ago)

    Looking for:
    Engineer main spot
    A team that’s mature, fun and ready to learn new things and is capable to accept losses and mistakes.

    I’m on an internship right now and will be available within 2 weeks, feel free to add me on Steam.

  3. Latsu7 said:

    I’m going to approach you fellows directly via Steam, so we can discuss about the team.

  4. 0 - The Fool said:

    Good day everyone. I wanted to try out competitive tf2 with a team. It would be my first ever comp experience. Ok now a little bit about myself: I’m 16 years old. I have a bit less then 600 hrs in tf2 and my best classes are Pyro and Medic and I would say that I am fairly good at both of them. Furthermore I’m descent as Engie and Soldier the other classes are meirly average. If you want to look for yourself, my steamprofile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198118567371/

  5. Xyz said:

    hi, i’d love to sub scout for your team. :)

    Add me to discuss.

  6. Pingus said:

    I’m 15y old TF2 player from Serbia. ~400h into TF2. I’d like the medic position, please.