ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavyScoutSniperSpy  Low+ Skill, Highlander

European Maximum Games Community - Yellow Squad

Posted by Harlski: | Last Online:

Hey there,
We're currently looking for a Scout, Sniper, Spy, Engineer and Heavy to complete our highlander line-up, we aren't the best in the highlander scene as most of us have ome from 6v6 :P

What we offer:
Some funny/mental/both players
Alot of experience
Very Active
Match Server
Practise probably every night
Possibly a place in the Highlander Challenge (If they extend places :P)
Definitley a place in the Highlander Ladder

What we ask for from you:
Know the rollouts for classes you need to
Can take a joke (Basically a sense of humor)
Active 4-6 Nights a week
Doesn't rage
Low+ standard gamesense :3

And that's it!

Contact one of the leaders/deps. on steam for trials!
9 Eagles Highlander :)

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  1. Prjct D_Captain said:

    I dont have a mic yet, but i can fufill all the other requirments. Need a spy or sniper? Shoot me a msg. kthxbai

  2. Tuluz: -[MG-C]- said:

    Ok sign me as a scout if you want a trial im up for it im not rager i have a mic i can speak english clear and i am a good scout so hit me up on steam: terlika7 or skype: carabinola and tell me if you are going to participate in the highlander challange !

  3. Harlski said:

    Ok, we have a spy and scout so now just need sniper engy and heavy :)

  4. Colt.: swimp said:

    i would like to give sniper or engie ago if you like :)

  5. Martan said:

    I’m good as Enginner and I have played TF2 for a long time. You room for one more in your team?

  6. lionheartx: COPs - ~|WOL|~ said:

    i FULLFILL ALL REQUIRMENTS except the mic …….. I can play a good heavy and engie moreover I am supposed to buy a mic on tuesday :D since I broke mine yesterday ….. anyways if interested please contact me :D

  7. Harlski said:

    Maybe don’t ignore me on steam then?

  8. Gunflop said:

    Hey I’ll be your Heavy if you need me I don’t currently have a mic (as my last one broke) but I fill the other requirements. Hit me up on steam

    Gunflop_on_360 (Gunflop)

  9. lower111 said:

    hi can I join your team as backup or player you are my last hope.