ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European 3v3 No Balls

Posted by schmitz katze: | Last Online:

Hi, we a searching for multi class subs for open 6v6, especially we need a sub for medic.
We can offer some experience, fun but most importantly no toxicity.
If are interested just add me on steam. We are open for new and inexperienced players.
mfg, happyface

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  1. Niro said:

    happyfaceToday at 17:46
    We will find one and if not we do 21 cet
    Put a comment

  2. Niro said:

    happyfaceToday at 17:46
    We will find one and if not we do 21 cet
    Put a comment
    Niro you are so retarded :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

  3. makey: WB said:

    Me and a friend of mine would like to join your team. I would like to play soldier but could also play scout, my friend would like to play scout or demo. I know you are looking for a medic so I would offer to play medic 1/3 of the time and maybe rotate with the other soldier or scout.

  4. BelkaLetyaga: TLS said:

    hi! i’d like to try being a sub as medic

  5. PrestusHood said:

    i play both medic and scout, can sub, hit me on discord PrestusHood#7243

  6. crazykiller monty: TC: Ox said:

    hello i main scout and can sub demo or soli. i used to main back in 2014. contact me at sla/sh.#6545 :)