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MedicSniperSoldier  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

Egypt 2010wolf Obp.tf2

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Hello, everyone.
I'm 2010wolf, 18 years old.
i have been playing tf2 for around 4~5 years now.
i have over 3370+ hours on this account so far, and around 600~800 on my hacked account.
a total of 4000K+ hours on tf2.

As for my medic skills.
I use the crossbow to heal targets.
I usually use the quick-fix because i'm comfortable with it.
i try to stay out of danger when i don't have my uber.

What irritates me tho is when i try to heal someone and he goes to the opposite direction from me, right into the horde of enemies, or just going to an other path to run away form enemies.

As for my soldier and sniper skills.
I usually don't play them on competitive, but i'm a pro with the sniper on flat-like land map.
and the soldier any map really, as well as that i'm pretty good with him

i'm just not that confidant that i can play soldier or sniper in competitive.

I would like to join teams which speak english OR arabic.

i live in sadui arabie, so a team from near that place would be great, so i can have good ping and good game play.

I can play with 130 ping and lower.

Good luck finding your team mates.

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