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MedicPyroSoldierSpy  Open Skill, 6v6

Greece ΜπάρμπαMedici

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i am Pybrobo (in game name), a 17 year old from Greece. I've been looking for clans for a while and i stumbled upon ETF2L. You seem to be a nice community so i decided to try my luck here. I would really appreciate it if you accept me, because i really want to play in a team and have fun doing so. I play the spy (main), the pyro (not so main), the soldier and the medic (when needed). Oh, i also have a mic so communication is no problem.

P.S. I usually play at nights.

Thank you for reading this !

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One Comment

  1. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    Might wanna check those out before looking for a team http://etf2l.org/new/ & http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=163882605

    Also the divisions go from Open to Prem in this order
    open -> mid -> high -> prem
    if you are new to the scene you should start from open

    This said,good luck :D