
Awards | Tables | Fixtures

Highlander Season 26: Awards


1st Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN!

2nd Poland inVision

3rd Poland Feila eSports finanzieren durch

Division 1

1st Latvia FANATIC

2nd Iceland D1CK + 9 OTHER NOOBS

3rd Finland moro moro

Division 2

1st TheIsleOfMan Cult of 256

2nd Uganda Pizza Police

3rd UnitedKingdom ANGLO 2024

Division 3A

1st Brazil MONKEY MODE: CLASS OF '22

3rd European hopebusters

3rd European Team Fortunate

Division 3B

2nd Poland Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME

Division 4A

1st Norway neoWise

Division 4B

2nd Turkey 31 :)

3rd European well in that case

3rd Croatia Cult of Ivan