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Awards | Tree | Fixtures

EO#5: Quick Fix Cup - High bracket: Fixtures

Date Team 1 Team 2 Map 1
Not Yet Scheduled Bløød ïs Gøød - Retired Edition Russkies cp_badlands
0 - 5
Not Yet Scheduled just summer mix LagTastic Gaming cp_badlands
2 - 4
Not Yet Scheduled The MIPC Organization elemental violence cp_badlands
3 - 5
Not Yet Scheduled The Devils Rejects drop cp_badlands
2 - 0
Not Yet Scheduled Beasts from the east renoB cp_badlands
2 - 4
Not Yet Scheduled Team Yoyotech International Secret Intelligence Servic cp_badlands
4 - 3
Not Yet Scheduled Death Adder I Don't Know? cp_badlands
3 - 1
Not Yet Scheduled eQuilibrium
[Default Win]
Green is Best -