Highlander Season 8 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Fixtures
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Quarter Finals | Semi Finals | Grand Final
Week 6 commencing from Apr 26, 2015 to Apr 30, 2015
28-04-2015 21:00 | Team Colonslash: Ambition | koth_viaduct_pro7 1 - 3 | cp_sunshine_rc7 1 - 4 |
Good Enough |
28-04-2015 21:30 | GOALstar | koth_viaduct_pro7 1 - 3 | cp_sunshine_rc7 3 - 2 |
its Team |
30-04-2015 20:00 | SUPER MEGA ICE SKATERS FROM HELL KILLERS | koth_viaduct_pro7 3 - 0 | cp_sunshine_rc7 2 - 1 (GC) |
Biggus Dickus |
29-04-2015 20:30 | Mad? | koth_viaduct_pro7 3 - 1 | cp_sunshine_rc7 2 - 1 |
cLanda |
30-04-2015 20:00 | LEGOLANDER | koth_viaduct_pro7 3 - 0 | cp_sunshine_rc7 3 - 0 |
TRG-Gaming |
30-04-2015 20:45 | The Bureau | koth_viaduct_pro7 2 - 3 | cp_sunshine_rc7 2 - 3 |
Moe moe Kyuuuun :3 |
27-04-2015 20:30 | Feila eSports finanzieren durch | koth_viaduct_pro7 3 - 0 | cp_sunshine_rc7 2 - 1 (GC) |
hePPa |
30-04-2015 20:00 | WHEREISKAIDO | koth_viaduct_pro7 3 - 1 | cp_sunshine_rc7 2 - 0 |
Premature Overextenders |
30-04-2015 20:00 | Strong Opinions | koth_viaduct_pro7 2 - 3 | cp_sunshine_rc7 1 - 2 (GC) |
Team Colonslash: Express |
28-04-2015 20:30 | Actually Killed by Highlander | koth_viaduct_pro7 1 - 3 | cp_sunshine_rc7 1 - 2 (GC) |