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Awards | Tables | Fixtures

Season 19 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Awards

1st Colombia Колумбийские наркобароны

1st European Dude Nice

1st Germany Aim Allergics

1st Austria Gamsjaga eSports

1st European Shirtless e-sports

2nd CzechRepublic Cyber Gaming

2nd European Strykers

2nd European This Statement Is False

2nd Russia absolute!

3rd England Team Colonslash: Snowy

3rd Germany HerbsArmy

3rd European addict! eSports

3rd European Digital Athletes

Premiership Division

1st European SUAVE

2nd European Ze Knutsson Rollerbladers

3rd France Awsomniac

Division 1

1st Denmark LEGO

2nd Zimbabwe Hello Kitteh Ninjas!

3rd CzechRepublic wookiez

Division 2A

1st Sweden Boys in Spandex

2nd Russia SickSix

3rd Bulgaria -nobroder

Division 2B

1st European Danger Dogs

2nd Romania Sikh Airshots

3rd Russia HoverCrabs

Division 3A

1st France top5rocket

2nd France HOSTILE Gaming

3rd Russia MAN

Division 3B

1st Jamaica prtyboiz

2nd European Sirius Echelon

3rd European rib

Division 3C

1st European unoriginal eSports by TF2Pickup.net

2nd European Skive and the noobs

3rd Seychelles Seagulls

Division 4A

1st France Infinity


3rd European Fakin Ritar eSports

Division 4B

1st Latvia International Oral Sex

2nd European Waterworks

3rd UnitedKingdom FG eSports

Division 4C

1st England Well 'ard Lads

3rd France Kamoulox!

Division 4D

1st Germany LAME powered by LAME

2nd Lithuania Bukkake party!

3rd European mid high

Division 4E

1st European Jumpers Incorporated

3rd France WR. <3

Division 4F

3rd Latvia Gutta

Division 5A

1st France Vos Mamans sont frigides

2nd Italy eZ drop

3rd Romania GO-ON eSPORTS sponsored by Oldje

Division 5B

1st UnitedKingdom nervousENERGY Density

2nd International 877-DEAD-NOW

3rd European GamingMasters

Division 5C

2nd European MAYHEM 6v6

Division 5D

1st Finland SNSD eSports ATK-Gaming

2nd European Team Colonslash: Strike

3rd France EagleS

Division 5E

1st Seychelles anime avatar

2nd Hungary Swaghetti Yolognese

3rd Finland Dinoraur

Division 5F

1st Germany team in a shellnut

2nd Finland Northern Wolves

3rd Russia Utugi

Division 5G

1st Estonia Good Enough: Jakiro

2nd European Monkey-Gamers

3rd European Bforce v2

Division 5H

1st European Fahrenheit451 e-Sports

2nd International The Chris Martin Experience

3rd European GoodFellas

Division 5I

1st European Balls Deep

2nd SouthKorea IDM

Division 6A

1st European supacoolygamers

2nd European Coffee Shop™

3rd European T-A!: Get Ready To Die

Division 6B

1st European Absolutely Free!

2nd Seychelles 6hess Jr.

3rd European BikDik eSports

Division 6C

1st Hungary The Bherg identity

2nd CzechRepublic exitus

Division 6D

2nd European Heavy Lifting Equipment

3rd International RuningInCircles

Division 6E

1st European Broadmoor Asylum Gaming Club

2nd Seychelles Macho Madness

3rd European Viaduct bandits

Division 6F

2nd Romania Gardienii Fortei Mistice

3rd Hungary 1MT

Division 6G

1st Finland Anime Is Bad eSports

2nd Ukraine Gensokyo Warriors

3rd Finland Team Cutted

Division 6H

1st France CorksCrew

2nd England Made in china by [ZfG]


Division 6I

1st Spain Superbit eSports

3rd UnitedStates Freddi Fish is a girl? That's kinda hot!

Division 6J

1st Portugal Rekdtube

2nd European Epsilon WiiSports

3rd Spain Not Neutral

Division 6K

1st Italy Peddlers Squad

2nd European Team Hexagon

Division 6L

2nd European blue

3rd UnitedKingdom Back to Last

Division 6M

1st European Foundry Force

2nd Italy GoV Team


Division 6N


2nd European Lost and Found

3rd Portugal Paradox

Division 6O

1st Brazil origem

2nd Slovenia ReBorn e-Sports

3rd Germany Mosby Boys ... und Diz