ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Sort By: Name (D) Country (D)

Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 87 88 89 90 91 142 143 144 145 146

Country Name Type
Lithuania Lithuania MoonRunners Highlander
Lithuania Lithuania Extreme7thGamed Highlander
Lithuania Lithuania BANZAI Highlander
Lithuania Lithuania Minitage Highlander
Lithuania Lithuania Suicidal Design Highlander
Lithuania Lithuania Highlanders.LT Highlander
Luxembourg Luxembourg oh wait this is highlander Highlander
Luxembourg Luxembourg ignis is noob eSports Highlander
Luxembourg Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! Highlander
Luxembourg Luxembourg The Quick Peacocks Highlander
Luxembourg Luxembourg MTF.Gaming Highlander
Luxembourg Luxembourg MTF.Gaming Highlander
Luxembourg Luxembourg Digital Alliance Highlander
Macedonia Macedonia TRASHW4TcH Highlander
Macedonia Macedonia on god; sponsored by MS PAINT Highlander
Macedonia Macedonia menlov3rs Highlander
Macedonia Macedonia Double Upload Highlander
Macedonia Macedonia Ресторан Папа Коля 6OmJaTHNK Highlander
Macedonia Macedonia Tripa Makedonci Highlander
Malaysia Malaysia 3Hardcrew Highlander
Malta Malta ORLY Highlander
Malta Malta Maltese Mercs Highlander
Malta Malta ocean gang: homecoming Highlander
Mexico Mexico The Million Deutschmarks Highlander
Mexico Mexico BAYC #2776 Highlander
Mexico Mexico noname by UFO Highlander
Mexico Mexico Monday With Guz Highlander
Mexico Mexico PowerLatino Highlander
Mexico Mexico Confused Mexicans Highlander
Moldova Moldova Welfare Warriors Highlander
Mongolia Mongolia DWARF Highlander
Mongolia Mongolia MNGeSPORTS Highlander
Mongolia Mongolia How do I apply to a tier? Highlander
Mongolia Mongolia lolhighlander Highlander
Mongolia Mongolia Gatare Zemmers Highlander
Mongolia Mongolia RMTryhards Highlander
Mongolia Mongolia Rollin 87 Bladez Highlander
Mongolia Mongolia 9YoungClowns Highlander
Montenegro Montenegro RACOON Highlander
Montenegro Montenegro Valhalla Highlander
Montenegro Montenegro Emerald Army Highlander
Morocco Morocco 2elite4me Highlander
Morocco Morocco The Guild Highlander
Morocco Morocco 4House Highlander
Morocco Morocco My 1960's Work Application Highlander
Netherlands Netherlands It Stinks In Here Highlander
Netherlands Netherlands Youtube Zemmers Highlander
Netherlands Netherlands baby soup 1 Highlander
Netherlands Netherlands AssualtXenos HL Team Highlander
Netherlands Netherlands Insanity Aloud Highlander

1 2 3 4 5 87 88 89 90 91 142 143 144 145 146