ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Sort By: Name (D) Country (D)

Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 67 68 69 70 71 142 143 144 145 146

Country Name Type
International International the pleasure is mine Highlander
International International Brotherhood of Failure Highlander
International International Fahrenheit 451 Highlander
International International Saxton's Secret Mercs Highlander
International International Engiebees Highlander
International International Lenny's Lads Highlander
International International BluTwo Highlander
International International The Sound Of Silent Heros Highlander
International International Cool Dead Glitcher Highlander
International International Tryhard Hunter's Group of Friends Highlander
International International ƒαηαтιχ Highlander
International International ZIKAS Highlander
International International The Cunts Highlander
International International Head Hunters Highlander
International International Xenon Highlander
International International Tryhard Hunter's Group of Friends Highlander
International International Tryhard Hunter's Group of Friends Highlander
International International Prima Squadra Highlander
International International Team_oF_PooT Highlander
International International Doggers and Dodgers Highlander
International International Elitist Cunts Highlander
International International LFP 9V9 Snow Paladins Highlander
International International Hats on Cats Highlander Highlander
International International Double Crossed Highlander
International International Vi elsker Kvinner Highlander
International International North Park Highlander
International International The McFenzies Highlander
International International Dragoneye And His Epic TF2ers Highlander
International International Toxic wasps Highlander
International International Team Gyarados Highlander
International International NWP Highlander
International International Team Nub Highlander
International International Triggerhappygamers Highlander
International International BGO team Highlander
International International [GM]Highlading Highlander
International International Feeders Highlander
International International fddsfsdfgd Highlander
International International Rhyder & Co. Highlander
International International Red Brigade Highlander
International International Vladimir's Jumping Crew Highlander
International International Codex Highlander
International International Sandvich Appreciation Society Highlander
International International nÜberium Highlander
International International The Party Shakers Highlander
International International -X-SOLDIERS! Highlander
International International Tyrannosaurus Rekt Highlander
International International Team Force Sand Highlander
International International Wilder Beasts Highlander
International International bonk and the scouterson's Highlander
International International Eclipse Highlander

1 2 3 4 5 67 68 69 70 71 142 143 144 145 146