ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


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Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 58 59 60 61 62 142 143 144 145 146

Country Name Type
International International Crystal Rebelion Highlander
International International Team Super-Lose Highlander
International International Überachievers Highlander
International International shoot first aim later Highlander
International International Scrublords, Unite! Highlander
International International Brutal Bureaucracy Highlander
International International Pubstompers Highlander
International International Fruit Highlander
International International PGTF2 Highlander
International International Trinity Highlander
International International Kamikaze Squadron Highlander
International International colony Highlander
International International Highway to Prem Highlander
International International Killer Beans Highlander
International International Master Jarate Students Highlander
International International Viciously Abused Muffins Highlander
International International The White Falcons Highlander
International International Tryhard Hunter's Group of Friends Highlander
International International Everybody Hates Chicago Bread Highlander
International International The TrueGamers Highlander
International International The Fenguin Puckers Highlander
International International tf_bot_add 9 allclass expert HYDRA#1-9 Highlander
International International Realityy Check Highlander
International International The Sharp shooters Highlander
International International saxxy Highlander
International International Fragging and Bragging Highlander
International International Pakflap Merchants Highlander
International International Team Alpha Highlander
International International MattyB's Backup Dancers Highlander
International International Team 151 Highlander
International International Paradox Highlander
International International Team PUG Highlander
International International Team P.U.N.X. Highlander
International International Wavell Highlander
International International Ginyu -Reborn Highlander
International International Team Disco Highlander
International International Project Arctic Highlander
International International Malicious Medicine Highlander
International International The League of TF2ers Highlander
International International Team Escapist Highlander
International International Muffin Commando Squad Highlander
International International Jelly Banditos Highlander
International International Isle of Maniacs Highlander
International International *Insert good team name here* HL Highlander
International International Team Goomba Highlander
International International Fragsoc Highlander
International International Up For Debate Highlander
International International Trimping Spy's Highlander
International International Hawtoast2 Highlander
International International Old Skool Gamers Highlander

1 2 3 4 5 58 59 60 61 62 142 143 144 145 146