ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


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Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 55 56 57 58 59 142 143 144 145 146

Country Name Type
International International Team Super-Lose Highlander
International International Ready4Fight Highlander
International International Super Awesome Aerotech Team Hyper Force Highlander
International International Poly Clowns Highlander
International International Spy Sappin Mah...BONK! Highlander
International International shoot first aim later Highlander
International International ¿ Clan Highlander
International International Gang Related Highlander
International International Quality Brain Damage Highlander
International International The Nigel Thornberry Experience Highlander
International International BanterSquad_ Highlander
International International [iSc] Sniper Clan Highlander
International International The Grumpy Old Gits 9v9 Highlander
International International Aztec Pride Highlander
International International Logic Bomb TF Highlander
International International fetissiSQUAD e-Sports Highlander
International International The Nine Flexeteers Highlander
International International Congress Of Retards Highlander
International International Muffin Commando Squad Highlander
International International North Park Highlander
International International Shepherds Steak Pie powered by Chandos™ Highlander
International International Pandamonium Highlander
International International SpyBusters, Inc. Highlander
International International Pans for Arms Highlander
International International Work In Progress Highlander
International International Inappropriate Name Highlander
International International Dream Meme Team Highlander
International International LFP 9V9 Snow Paladins Highlander
International International Pure eSports Highlander
International International Get a life foundation Highlander
International International Gud Frndz Highlander
International International Brutal Bureaucracy Highlander
International International The NUEL Highlander
International International Virtual Family Matters Highlander
International International Team Baka Channel 2.0 Highlander
International International Plan B Highlander
International International Bushwhacking Unicorns Highlander
International International Metamorphic Avengers Highlander
International International Cake-Like Confection Highlander
International International pizzacats Highlander
International International Sad Anime Girls Highlander
International International killer quiche Highlander
International International DOWN Underdogs Highlander
International International The Baleful Pizza Delivery Highlander
International International Überachievers Highlander
International International Saving Smurfs Privates Highlander
International International qualitY play Highlander
International International Tea Clan Highlander
International International Biscuit Highlander
International International Imperialist Gamers Highlander

1 2 3 4 5 55 56 57 58 59 142 143 144 145 146