6v6 | National 6v6 Team | 2v2 | 1v1 | 6v6 Fun Team | Highlander | LAN Team | National Highlander Team | Fresh Meat | Highlander Open | Highlander Fun Team | 4v4
Showing teams (50 per page):
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Country | Name | Type |
European | dmoule fanclub | Highlander |
Kosovo | DJUD GAMING : HL EDITION | Highlander |
Russia | DIZELNbIE EBLANbI | Highlander |
England | Dixy Chicken | Highlander |
European | Division Zero | Highlander |
Israel | Division Of Justice | Highlander |
Israel | Division of Justice | Highlander |
Germany | Divines Resistance | Highlander |
European | Divinely Celestials Jr. | Highlander |
Italy | Divinely Celestials | Highlander |
Belgium | div? | Highlander |
Cyprus | div diggers | Highlander |
Russia | Div | Highlander |
Hungary | DistricT Clan | Highlander |
European | Distortion of The Senses | Highlander |
Spain | distingLander (once again) | Highlander |
International | Disposable Heroes Brazil | Highlander |
UnitedStates | Dispenser Needers | Highlander |
Japan | dispanded | Highlander |
European | Disneyland | Highlander |
Latvia | disgusting toilet | Highlander |
Belgium | Disgrace to Belgium | Highlander |
Finland | Discount fraggers | Highlander |
Latvia | discoducks | Highlander |
European | Disco Night at the Synagogue | Highlander |
Russia | Disco Cock | Highlander |
Russia | Disc Killers Production | Highlander |
Germany | Disabled Shrine Maidens | Highlander |
UnitedStates | Dirty Dan and the Pinheads | Highlander |
Hungary | Dirty 9 | Highlander |
France | Dioxyde highlander | Highlander |
European | Dingus Party | Highlander |
International | dingus has invited you to play BTD6 | Highlander |
UnitedStates | dingus | Highlander |
UnitedStates | DingoHaus | Highlander |
Russia | DinDON | Highlander |
Russia | Diligence | Highlander |
Germany | Dildozer Crew | Highlander |
European | diGuardians | Highlander |
European | Dignity Zero | Highlander |
Cuba | Digital reality+ | Highlander |
Poland | Digital Nation (HL) | Highlander |
International | Digital House | Highlander |
Luxembourg | Digital Alliance | Highlander |
Lithuania | DIG Deep | Highlander |
UnitedStates | Dig Bick Federation | Highlander |
Chile | DieveN | Highlander |
Italy | Dies illa | Highlander |
Germany | Die Philosoffen [Highlander] | Highlander |
Germany | Die Guten | Highlander |
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