ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 
To those who participated in the Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), please fill out this Feedback Form for the current & next Highlander seasons!


Sort By: Name (D) Country (D)

Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 61 62 63 64 65 141 142 143 144 145

Country Name Type
European European Knifeback Mountaineers Highlander
International International Knight Golden Highlander
Russia Russia Knight Rider`s Highlander
International International Knight's Social Club Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates Knights of the Apocalyse Highlander
European European Knights of the Order Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates Knights of the Round Highlander
England England Knights of the Square Chair Highlander
Sweden Sweden Knö i Highlander Highlander
International International Knockin heavens door Highlander
Sweden Sweden Knugens Krigare Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates Kobalt Highlander
Russia Russia KOHb - Gay - Mix Highlander
UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom Koke momo Highlander
Russia Russia kokoko Highlander
Poland Poland Kolorowe Kredki Highlander
Russia Russia Komanda Gospoda Boga Highlander
International International komori comp Highlander
European European komori v0.5 Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates Komplex Highlander
European European Komutile eSports Highlander
Poland Poland Koneserzy Zabawy Highlander
Finland Finland Konna and his boyfriends Highlander
Finland Finland Korean Ducks Highlander
Norway Norway Koseklubben Highlander
International International Krabby Patty Highlander
Hungary Hungary Krákogó Lovak Hadegyesülete Highlander
Serbia Serbia Kriptographers Highlander
International International krit yedim Highlander
Latvia Latvia krītiņbanda Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates Kritz-A-Tonic Highlander
European European Kritzbitchez Highlander
Russia Russia Kritzikal punch Highlander
European European KritzKast: Distinguished Ducks Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates Kross Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates KroTF2 Highlander
CzechRepublic CzechRepublic Krtecek squad Highlander
UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom Krusty Krab 2 Highlander
European European Krusty Krew Highlander
Russia Russia KTO ZABRAL BLINI? Highlander
Russia Russia KTO-TO SKAZAL BLINI? Highlander
Russia Russia Ku Klux Klan Highlander
Finland Finland KUKKO Highlander
Russia Russia kunteynir Highlander
Russia Russia Kustim Gadgitz Highlander
Japan Japan Kuuhaku Highlander
Iceland Iceland Kuzunoha Detective Agency Highlander
Norway Norway Kvakkistansen Highlander
European European Kyron eSports Highlander
France France l'Academie Highlander

1 2 3 4 5 61 62 63 64 65 141 142 143 144 145