ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Sort By: Name (D) Country (D)

Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 42 43 44 45 46 68 69 70 71 72

Country Name Type
Netherlands Netherlands DiddlyDaddly 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands In Diana Jones 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands #_# 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands TeamPWNS Solo 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Fake Club 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Turtle-Copter...WAP WAP WAP!!! 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Team Juicy 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Swaaaagggzz 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands t4ntrum 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Snoozer 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands SpankXaan 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Touchpad Hero Vlijm 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Kant's Cunt 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Berber 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Big 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Digiwill 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Hitoshura 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands WZAWZDB 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands TrainWrecked 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands mediocre 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Gaming edge 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Nijntje 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Nanospace particles 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Nio 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Eriksson 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Transcendence 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands KABOINK! 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands SpawnRapers 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Got Milk? 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Team Kill 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Team Gonz Gonz 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Rakefire 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Regen 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands United Atheist Alliance 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Darkwater 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Arunir 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands polof 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands swagilicious 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Swagilicious 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Darp? 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Kaboom! 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands BvD 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands KaB00M! 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands pluizigste 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Shoot 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Kaptain 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands Golden Stickies 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands bam wizzle 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands imcts 1v1
Netherlands Netherlands BEst Winning Army REunited 1v1

1 2 3 4 5 42 43 44 45 46 68 69 70 71 72