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Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 61 62 63 64 65 68 69 70 71 72

Country Name Type
Scotland Scotland The Green Team 1v1
Andorra Andorra The host with the most 1v1
Israel Israel The Jinji Power 1v1
Turkey Turkey The Kebab Lord 1v1
Norway Norway The Kewl Team 1v1
European European THE LAST EVIL CHICKEN 1v1
International International The Last Resort 1v1
Latvia Latvia The Legendary 1v1
International International The Lone Motorvägspirat 1v1
Hungary Hungary The lone Pyro 1v1
Romania Romania The Lonley Soldier 1v1
Ukraine Ukraine The Lost Mind 1v1
Finland Finland the mammi council (finns) 1v1
Ireland Ireland The Most Dangerous Game 1v1
Lithuania Lithuania the most latvian you can't get 1v1
International International The Most Moist 1v1
England England The Munx Man 1v1
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan the poetics of space 1v1
England England The Porkinator 1v1
Germany Germany The Rascal King 1v1
Wales Wales The Real MVP Baby 1v1
International International The Republic Army 1v1
International International The Retro Experiense 1v1
Spain Spain The Scout 1v1
Italy Italy the sniper from team fortres 2 1v1
Bulgaria Bulgaria The Ultimate Twisted Cock 1v1
Sweden Sweden The xD 1v1
CzechRepublic CzechRepublic TheBattleMed 1v1
UnitedStates UnitedStates thedefinitvetf2experienceplus 1v1
International International TheOrangeN00b 1v1
Hungary Hungary ThePadavan 1v1
Germany Germany TheQuiteStorm 1v1
Scotland Scotland THERE COULD BE ONLY ONE! 1v1
Israel Israel there is an I in nivz 1v1
Germany Germany THERE IS NO BALL IN TETRIS! 1v1
Scotland Scotland TheSoloAdrenaline 1v1
England England TheSwaggles 1v1
France France They Call me " SchmitShot " 1v1
France France THHG 1v1
Finland Finland Thinks he can play 1v1
Israel Israel Thirty-Two 1v1
Russia Russia this game is aids 1v1
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein this is a nice team 1v1
Austria Austria This Is Meta! 1v1
England England Thoroughly Dislike MGE. 1v1
European European thorvald 1v1
Poland Poland Thossen 1v1
UnitedStates UnitedStates Thot Patrol 1v1
Sweden Sweden Thrashers 1v1
Sweden Sweden ThreatSense 1v1

1 2 3 4 5 61 62 63 64 65 68 69 70 71 72