ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 
To those who participated in the Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), please fill out this Feedback Form for the current & next Highlander seasons!


Sort By: Name (D) Country (D)

Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 111 112 113 114 115 287 288 289 290 291

Country Name Type
France France PyRo|GEN 6v6
France France eveRize 6v6
France France Exo Kap 6v6
France France La secte du :melon: 6v6
France France The frenchy survived 6v6
France France Baguette! Sponsored by Promethium Gaming 6v6
France France Virtual Sports 6v6
France France Mirage 6v6
France France Bistouflex! 6v6
France France La Buzz Team 6v6
France France Incoming 6v6
France France K-othic 6v6
France France Escalope 6v6
France France Equality For ALL 6v6
France France We don't mind 6v6
France France Play For Fun Comp! 6v6
France France Big Baguettes powered by cobz.tf 6v6
France France Hysteria Multigaming 6v6
France France Les Bouchers Verts 6v6
France France Army Of Wyborowa 6v6
France France rip playoff dream i cry every night :( 6v6
France France le local poubelle de calais 6v6
France France SerLine' 6v6
France France roots barrés 6v6
France France ambitioN 6v6
France France Couard 6v6
France France Dis-like Head 6v6
France France That's What We Want ! 6v6
France France Die! 6v6
France France Show your Values 6v6
France France ΩmegaBread 6v6
France France BadAss Unicorns 6v6
France France WebOne 6v6
France France sMile 6v6
France France Real Weeb Hunters 6v6
France France Most Skilled Taunt 6v6
France France redLine 6v6
France France NetworkNeon 6v6
France France May Contain Nuts 6v6
France France IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND ! 6v6
France France iNov8 6v6
France France InShine 6v6
France France The Babysquad 6v6
France France Athlétic. 6v6
France France Autocracy 6v6
France France A quelle heure 6v6
France France League of Partying Honey Badgers 6v6
France France Brotherhood of Steel 6v6
France France Cube.Clan 6v6
France France Sexe Super Long 6v6

1 2 3 4 5 111 112 113 114 115 287 288 289 290 291