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Sort By: Name (D) Country (D)

Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 41 42 43 44 45 640 641 642 643 644

Country Name Type
International International Wear Guess Energy EU 6v6
European European Weapons of the Rebellion 3 6v6 Fun Team
European European Weapons Of The Rebellion 6v6
European European WEAPONS OF MASS SNACKAGE Highlander
European European Weapons of Mass Snackage Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates Weapons of Mass Seduction Highlander
European European Weaponized Thiccness too 6v6
European European Weaponized Thiccness Highlander
Sweden Sweden Weaponised Thiccness Highlander
Andorra Andorra WeAlwaysWin 1v1
Slovenia Slovenia WeAlwaysWin 6v6
Brazil Brazil Weakest Brazilians 6v6
European European Weak Opinions Highlander
International International weadsada 6v6
SaudiArabia SaudiArabia weaboooos 2v2
Israel Israel We.All.Grut Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates We'reThePlaneteers 6v6
International International WE'RE WITH THE GAY PEOPLE 2v2
Russia Russia we're winners 6v6
Sweden Sweden We're the Robots 6v6
European European We're Sexy 6v6
International International We're ready 6v6
European European We're op 2v2
UnitedStates UnitedStates we're only in it for the in-game items Highlander
European European We're married 2v2
Slovenia Slovenia We're just here for the prize money Highlander
Canada Canada We're in it for the medal! Highlander
European European We're Goin' Ham 6v6
UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom We're Goin' Ham 6v6
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe We're both really gay 2v2
Sweden Sweden We're back Baby! 2v2
European European We're All Secretly Owls 6v6
UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom We're all Lost National Highlander Team
International International We're All Bots Here 2v2 2v2
International International We're All Bots Here 6v6
Italy Italy We ♡ mice 2v2
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe we wont win! 2v2
European European We won all games in prem 6v6
Ireland Ireland We Windows 6v6
Russia Russia We Win 6v6
Ireland Ireland We will get a name later 6v6
European European We want the D 6v6 Fun Team
UnitedStates UnitedStates We Want Items Highlander
European European We Want Fun Highlander
Germany Germany We want a medal Highlander
European European We touched Sasha 6v6
Ukraine Ukraine We The Kings team 6v6
TrinidadTobago TrinidadTobago WE THE BEST National Highlander Team
European European We Surrender 6v6
European European We Surrender Highlander

1 2 3 4 5 41 42 43 44 45 640 641 642 643 644