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Sort By: Name (D) Country (D)

Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 616 617 618 619 620 639 640 641 642 643

Country Name Type
England England Yappers LAN Team
Russia Russia YardTeam National Highlander Team
Russia Russia YardTeam Highlander
England England Yarra 6v6
Israel Israel YarXz 2v2
Israel Israel yasha sweating jesus juice 1v1
Ukraine Ukraine yavnoe bessilie Highlander
Ukraine Ukraine yay Highlander
Germany Germany Yay Violence! 6v6
Scotland Scotland Yay we are the champions!! 6v6 Fun Team
Ukraine Ukraine YaYa eSports Highlander
Seychelles Seychelles yaynos bl0ws Highlander
Bulgaria Bulgaria ycykaH 1v1
Italy Italy ydiOma 6v6
Germany Germany Ydor tries his luck as soldier 1v1
International International Ye Englishmen of Olde 6v6
UnitedStates UnitedStates Ye Olde John Pingry Highlander
International International Ye Oldes 6v6
International (Locked) International (Locked) Yeah no 1v1
Japan Japan Yeah no 6v6 Fun Team
International (Locked) International (Locked) Yeah no 2v2
International (Locked) International (Locked) Yeah no LAN Team
International (Locked) International (Locked) Yeah no Highlander
Pakistan Pakistan Yeah no 6v6
Germany Germany YEAH! Monkey's style! 1v1
Wales Wales Yeah/bro/ouais/bro/sisi Highlander
England England YeeHaw 1v1
European European YeeSports 6v6
Ireland Ireland Yeet on my Teet 1v1
European European Yeezus Fanclub 6v6
UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom Yeezus Lanclub LAN Team
Israel Israel yehudim va hezi 2v2
Lithuania Lithuania YELLOW 6v6
Russia Russia Yellow 6v6
Russia Russia Yellow 6v6
Russia Russia Yellow Submarine team 6v6
Russia Russia Yellow Submarine team 6v6
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan yellowfellow 1v1
Russia Russia Yellow_Face Highlander
Russia Russia Yeltsin Death Brigade Highlander
European European Yen-Li Chen Ballet School 6v6
Argentina Argentina yep 1v1
Russia Russia YEP! TEAM ! 6v6
Japan Japan yes 1v1
Russia Russia yes 2v2
Estonia Estonia Yes 1v1
Uganda Uganda yes 1v1
SouthAfrica SouthAfrica Yes 6v6
Ireland Ireland yes 6v6 Fun Team
Macedonia Macedonia yes LAN Team

1 2 3 4 5 616 617 618 619 620 639 640 641 642 643