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Showing teams (50 per page):

1 2 3 4 5 249 250 251 252 253 640 641 642 643 644

Country Name Type
Russia Russia I Lontri 6v6
Italy Italy i lord di Mezzema 6v6
International International I LOVE BBALL 2v2
International International I LOVE BBALL 6v6 Fun Team
France France I love EFALL 6v6
Poland Poland I LOVE ETF2L 6v6
Japan Japan i love santa claus 6v6 Fun Team
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein i love u narmi 6v6
Russia Russia I love unicorn 6v6
Italy Italy I Lukkini 2v2
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan i main engineer 1v1
Mongolia Mongolia i main engineer nice 1v1
UnitedStates UnitedStates i main scout 1v1
Uganda Uganda I Miss every Airshot 2v2
China China i mostly play csgo 6v6
European European I Need My Crutches 6v6
Poland Poland i never really was on your side 6v6 Fun Team
Russia Russia I Numba One №1 1v1
Lithuania Lithuania I once got a frag on wltrs 1v1
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan I play mge all day, and i still suck 1v1
Iceland Iceland i played runescape in 2007 6v6 Fun Team
Italy Italy I ponari 6v6
Spain Spain i prefer scout mge tbh 1v1
European European I Rape Myself Highlander
European European I Rape Myself 6v6 Fun Team
European European I Rape Shit 6v6
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe I really want to fucking kill myself 6v6
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe I really want to fucking kill myself 6v6
European European i remember Highlander
UnitedStates UnitedStates I Rolled 10 Highlander
Italy Italy I rottami 6v6
International International i ship it 2v2
Syria Syria i slam for islam 6v6
International International I stole my neighbors cat 6v6
Poland Poland i suck at this game lol 1v1
Italy Italy I suck with scout 1v1
International International I swear i'm a guy! Highlander
Norway Norway i think being in a 1on1 team is cool 1v1
European European I Thought Holi Was a Girl 6v6 Fun Team
European European I Thought Holi Was a Girl 6v6 Fun Team
Belgium Belgium I Thought Holi Was a Girl 6v6 Fun Team
Israel Israel i touch 1v1
Italy Italy I Vecchi Giovani 6v6
International International I Wanna Be Like CX 6v6
UnitedKingdom UnitedKingdom I Want My Country Back! Highlander
France France I was bored, alright? 1v1
Finland Finland I was the knight in shining 6v6
Poland Poland I will Gonna kill you! 1v1
Finland Finland I win team lose 2v2
Canada Canada I wish I had schizophrenia 6v6 Fun Team

1 2 3 4 5 249 250 251 252 253 640 641 642 643 644