Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024) – Home

Graphics by soda and Banner by
- Signups: CLOSED.
- Premiership and Division 1 signups: CLOSED.
- Premiership Qualifiers: 14th July – 21st July
- Provisional Tiers: 18th July
- Final Tiers: 20th July
- Group Stages: 21st July – 25th August
- Playoffs: 25th August – 8th September
Map Pool, Whitelist & Plugins
Here is the list of maps for the season:
- pl_upward_f12
- pl_vigil_rc10
- koth_product_final
- koth_ashville_final1
- koth_lakeside_f5
- koth_proot_b5b
- cp_steel_f12
- Week 1: pl_upward_f12
- Week 2: koth_product_final & koth_ashville_final1
- Week 3: pl_vigil_rc10
- Week 4: koth_lakeside_f5 & koth_proot_b5b
- Week 5: cp_steel_f12
Division 1 & Below
- pl_upward_f12
- pl_vigil_rc10
- koth_product_final
- koth_proplant_v8
- koth_warmtic_f10
- koth_proot_b5b
- cp_steel_f12
- Week 1: pl_upward_f12
- Week 2: koth_product_final & koth_proplant_v8
- Week 3: pl_vigil_rc10
- Week 4: koth_warmtic_f10 & koth_proot_b5b
- Week 5: cp_steel_f12
- The Loch n Load is now Banned.
- The gunboats plugin is now Disabled.
- Gunboats apply when hurting an enemy
- When enabled with sm_gunboats_always_apply 1, gunboats resistance will apply even if the explosion hurts an enemy.

for those who liked our previous Banner: Graphic by Axio and Banner by
Akio :)