Fall Highlander Cup 2024 Announcement
October 9, 2024

Written by Dave_IR8, graphics by
gedu and
It’s time to ping your TF2 buddies and scroll through your Steam friends, to muster the best 9 gamers to compete in the Fall Highlander Cup 2024. While other leagues clock off for the year, this new cup can satiate your TF2 cravings whether you are an established team or a fresh face hungry to get started in competitive Team Fortress 2.
The top teams in European Highlander can battle it out for a 200+ key prizepool sponsored by (a TF2 trading bot service), and premium subscriptions. New players can also join in on the fun, and be ensured a healthy competition with a dedicated Newcomer Division. Not only can rookies make some new buddies and learn the ropes of 9v9 Highlander, but also legendary SDCK! Pyro GardenFungus has provided a 45+ key prizepool specifically for the Newcomer Division.
Sign-ups will run until November 27th, with the tournament matches being played between November 29th and December 19th. The most highly anticipated of these will be broadcast live on All players (even Medics) can also submit their best plays from the tournament, with a chance to make it into the official fragmovie.
In the meantime, players can sharpen up with pick-up games at for 6v6, and for Highlander. Join the Discord to get involved and find all the information for the Fall Highlander Cup 2024.
Discord FAQ:
1. If you are a team leader and already have at least 9 players go to #sign-up channel and follow instructions to sign your team up for the cup. Please remember that all your players MUST be registered on before you can sign up for the cup. It’s an easy process that will take a little over a minute to complete;
2. If you are a team still looking for a player(s) on certain classes, head over to #looking-for-player channel;
3. If you are a player looking for a team, head over to #looking-for-team channel;
4. If you are looking for an experienced player to mentor you on a certain class, or mentor your team in general, go to #looking-for-mentor channel;
5. If you don’t have experience in competitive (or have very little of it), head over to #newcomers and ask any questions about the gamemode or the cup you want and we’ll try to respond as soon as possible;5. If you have any questions at all about anything related to the cup or competitive tf2, you can always create a ticket in #contact-admin channel, and we’ll respond to you and help you out in a timely manner.