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Announcing Highlander Season 24, Preseason Cup and Rules change

Date April 26, 2021

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Announcing Highlander Season 24 and Preseason Cup!

All the information regarding the coming Season can either be found in this newspost, or will be released shortly!

The tier systems that we use will be fully dependent on the final signup numbers.

Preseason Cup

The cup will be a simple 3 matches group stage and playoff stage on Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of May.


The whitelist.tf page for this whitelist can be found here. https://whitelist.tf/11813.

For server admins, remember that the command to execute the whitelist is the following: “rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 11813”.


  • Fists of Steel


Signups are open from 26th April until Thursday 6th May at 19:00 CET.

Group Stage – Saturday 8th:

Round 1: 19:30 – cp_propaganda_b19
Round 2: 20:15 – koth_proplant_v5
Round 3: 21:00 – cp_glassworks_rc6a

Playoff Stage – Sunday 9th:

Quarter Finals BO1: 19:15 – Ban/Ban/Decider
Semi Finals BO1: 20:15 – Ban/Ban/Decider
Grand Finals BO3: 21:00 – Pick/Pick/Decider

Highlander Season 24


  • Signups: 26th April – 12th May, 21:00 CET (Premiership signups will close early, on May 9th at 21:00 CET)
  • Publishing of Provisional Divisions: 13th May
  • Publishing of Final Divisions: 15th May
  • Premiership Qualifiers: 11th May – 16th May
  • Main Season: 16th May – 18th June
  • Playoffs: 20th June – 4th July

Map pool

The following maps are already confirmed for the season.


You can find it here.


The winners of each Division/Tiers will automatically be promoted to the next higher Division/Tier unless their starting roster has changed by half or more of their players.

All promotions are open for admin discretion. This is in order to make sure the tiers are as good as they can possibly be. If you are uncertain about being promoted you can follow the below mentioned sign-up process to give additional information about your team.

Sign-up Process

First and foremost you must sign up your team from there: https://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=comps

An email does not count as signing up to the upcoming season and is only meant to give further information regarding your team and its placement.

Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the tier you aim for. Established teams will be favored over new teams or teams that request to jump a tier.

  • Premiership:

If you intend to sign up for the Premiership Tier we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Due to the Premiership Qualifiers happening while signups are still open, we will only consider teams for the Premiership Qualifiers that signed up before the scheduled deadline. Additionally, we expect teams without a guaranteed Premiership Division spot to be able to compete on the provided Premiership Qualifier dates.

We expect all aspiring Premiership Tier teams to either send us an email ([email protected]) or directly contact a league admin on Steam or Discord with the following:
– Team name, Division you apply for and ETF2L link
– Roster
– Recent results and logs associated to them
– Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

Team BIG EXPLOSION, Premiership, https://etf2l.org/teams/1/
announce the roster with the classes

5-2 vs Team Aoshis All Stars (Prem) : https://logs.tf/012345

Teams that do not send an email or contact admins risk losing their spot in the Premiership Qualifiers.

  • Division 1 and Division 2 (High):

If you intend to sign up for Division 1 or Division 2 you must sign up to “High tier” when signing up for the season. We encourage you to send us an email ([email protected]) with the following:
– Team name, Division you apply for and ETF2L link
– Roster
– Recent results and logs associated to them
– Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

Team Blood is back, Division 2, https://etf2l.org/teams/1/
announce the roster with the classes

5-2 vs Team Permzilla (Div2) : https://logs.tf/012345

Teams that do not send an email or contact admins risk not the be put in the division they hoped for.

  • Division 3 (Mid), Division 4 (Mid) and Division 5 (Low):

If you intend to sign up for Division 3 (Mid), Division 4 (Mid) and Division 5 (Low) and wish to be placed in a specific division/tier we encourage you to send us an email ([email protected]) with the following:
– Team name, Division you apply for and ETF2L link
– Roster
– Recent results and logs associated to them
– Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

Team Sunny White, Mid, https://etf2l.org/teams/1/
announce the roster with the classes

5-2 vs Team niGhtHeaLeR (Mid) : https://logs.tf/012345

Teams that do not send an email or contact admins risk not the be put in the division they hoped for.

  • Division 6 (Open):

If you are applying for Division 6/Open tier (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level.

Rules change


2.6. Flag/Nationality change:

2.6.1. Flag change allowed in total:

Flag change on ETF2L can only be done by League Admins. If you want your Flag changed, contact them on [ETF2L’s Discord server]. You can get your Flag changed a total of two times. This includes European and United Kingdom Flag. There are no exceptions.

2.6.2. Nations Cup:

Joining a National Team (and not necessarily playing) whether it’s 6v6 or Highlander will be considered their final choice of Nation. The player will have to play for this Nation and no other.

2.6.3. Punishment:

A player caught trying to get a false Flag/Nationality change won’t be able to change it ever again, will receive 1 month league ban and a permanent ban from Nations Cups.


3.6. Switching line-ups or hijacking teams is not allowed:

Any player that joins a team’s roster after the competition’s Provisional Tiers have been published is classified as “new”. Teams may only play official matches with a number of “new” players less than half of the lineup respective to the competition. For 6v6 and Highlander respectively, the limits are of 2 players and 4 players.

3.7. The amount of players with higher experience who can join after the Provisional Tiers are published is limited:

A player counts as “experienced” in a tier if during their last three active seasons they played 3 or more officials in that tier. This also includes matches in higher tiers which will stack to the closest tier below if no more than three matches have been played in a single tier. Playoff matches count towards the number of matches played in the respective higher tier, with finishing 1st or 2nd automatically counting as the higher tier regardless of the amount of playoff games played (e.g. Division 2 playoffs count as Division 1).

Please contact League Admin Staff on Discord if you need your case to be reviewed. The lengths of inactivity will be taken into consideration when making decisions.

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  1. Velvet~: abs - NUKE said:


  2. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    Vigil Yes

  3. laiky: YN - SDCK! said:

    Only Noob sniper mains complain about vigil it’s the best map

  4. Dwapking: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - HOUSE said:

    vigil and propaganda? very nice.

  5. Soaky: pen15 - op_sqd said:

    vigil > badwater

  6. redlix: SDCK! said:

    Much appretiation for the roster swap rule!

  7. Citrus: OCHOBA said:

    bye gully (i hope)

  8. Hummon: xodijkrgoi said:

    gully >>>>> propaganda

  9. Maki: VP said:

    badwater > vigil

  10. anti2 said:


    Fists of Steel

    thank god

  11. AlesKee said:

    No cascade sadge

  12. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    vigil based

  13. Benaty: juice - :Blinky: said:

    Vigil > Badwater
    Propaganda > Gully