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Highlander Season 23: Playoffs and Tiebreaker Scores

Date February 28, 2021

Welcome everyone to the conclusion of the 23rd season of ETF2L Highlander for Open, Division 5, Division 4, Division 3, Division 2, Division 1 and Premiership. As there are still matches to be played for Division 4 and Prem tonight their respective playoffs will be added later tonight.

We hope you enjoyed the matches, and for the teams that made it through, congratulations.

All tiers will have playoffs, all playoff matches will be using the Map Elimination system. Note that all dates are estimates and teams are able to negotiate other days by scheduling with their opponents.

If you find yourself on the list of these teams expect an admin to add you and request your availability, if there is no information or insufficient information given we will have to decide your match dates for you. Keep in mind that we will try and accommodate both teams, but the match date may still vary from your provided days, if for example none of the days match with your opponent, but your opponent offered more days than you did. Deadlines listed for the matches are flexible and may be changed in certain situations if admins are contacted about allowing extensions on these.


For Division 2, Division 3, Division 4, Division 5 and Open tiers, the schedule for the playoff matches will be the following.

  • Quarter final matches will be played from 1st – 5th March.
  • Semi Finals will be played from 6th – 10th March.
  • Grand Finals will be played from 11th – 14th March.

For Premiership and Division 1 we are going with single elimination bubble bracket, the schedule for the playoff matches will be the following.

  • The Semi Final results must be submitted by 10th of March and the Grand Finals must be played by 14th of March. If you need to play outside of these dates contact an admin.

Premier Division


Semi Final: Luxembourg Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! vs Russia BAD DRAGONS

The losers of this match will be knocked out, while the winners will advance to the grand final to play against Poland Feila eSports finanzieren durch.

Division 1


Semi Final: Uganda Pizza Police vs Zimbabwe The Specals

The losers of this match will be knocked out, while the winners will advance to the grand final to play against European autobots.

Division 2

For the Division 2 we’re going with 6 teams, 3 from each group, in the playoffs following the single elimination format. The team that came first in each group will not play a quarter finals game but instead join in during the semi-finals.

Division 2A

  1. European 9IX
    • 23 points
  2. Germany Warsaw Pact
    • 21 points
  3. Brazil Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys
    • 21 points

Division 2B

  1. England Plush
    • 22 points
  2. European Da Krib
    • 21 points
  3. Kazakhstan Kazakh e-Sports
    • 21 points


Quarter Final 1: Germany Warsaw Pact vs Kazakhstan Kazakh e-Sports
Quarter Final 2: European Da Krib vs Brazil Gaeta eSports : Never-Dying Fire Monkeys


Division 3

For the Division 3 we’re going with 6 teams, 3 from each group, in the playoffs following the single elimination format. The team that came first in each group will not play a quarter finals game but instead join in during the semi-finals.

Division 3A

  1. European Globo Gym
    • 23 points
  2. Liechtenstein W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b
    • 22 points
  3. TheIsleOfMan Big Monkey Industries
    • 20 points

Division 3B

  1. Poland Hungary4Blood GIGA VOLUME
    • 20 points
  2. Russia БРИГАДА
    • 18 points
  3. Finland Saukot
    • 10 points
  4. European Magnificent Bastards
    • 10 points


Finland Saukot Beat European Magnificent Bastards on Head to Head so progress to the Quarter Final.


Quarter Final 1: Liechtenstein W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b vs Finland Saukot
Quarter Final 2: Russia БРИГАДА vs TheIsleOfMan Big Monkey Industries

Division 4

For the Division 4 we’re going with 6 teams, 3 from each group, in the playoffs following the single elimination format. The team that came first in each group will not play a quarter finals game but instead join in during the semi-finals.

Division 4A

  1. Iran Resonance Cascade
    • 24 points
  2. Poland Multipla Fans Legacy
    • 21 points
  3. Turkey Broken W: 2024
    • 16 points
  4. European Just a Rabbit
    • 16 points

Turkey Broken W: 2024 Beat European Just a Rabbit by having more map rounds scored by 1.

Division 4B

  1. Seychelles WRONGDOG GAMING
    • 20 points
  2. UnitedKingdom Tank Topped Bum Boys
    • 20 points
  3. Kosovo THACI/VUCIC
    • 13 points

Seychelles WRONGDOG GAMING Beat UnitedKingdom Tank Topped Bum Boys on Head to Head so they have a higher seed.


Quarter Final 1: UnitedKingdom Tank Topped Bum Boys vs Turkey Broken W: 2024
Quarter Final 2: Kosovo THACI/VUCIC vs Poland Multipla Fans Legacy


Division 5

For the Division 5 we’re going with 6 teams, 3 from each group, in the playoffs following the single elimination format. The team that came first in each group will not play a quarter finals game but instead join in during the semi-finals.

Division 5A

  1. UnitedKingdom Dustbowl Industries
    • 28 points
  2. Russia Blini джуниор
    • 26 points
  3. Sweden Shooting Enemy Gamers
    • 13 points

Division 5B

  1. European Domino's
    • 10 points
  2. European K? Sport By Le Coq Massif
    • 8 points
  3. UnitedKingdom cLanda
    • 0 points


Quarter Final 1: Russia Blini джуниор vs UnitedKingdom cLanda
Quarter Final 2: European K? Sport By Le Coq Massif vs Sweden Shooting Enemy Gamers



For the Open Tier we’re going with 8 teams in the playoffs with single elimination.

  1. International Royalty HL
    • 28 points
  2. Russia Temporary Difficulties JR.
    • 26 points
  3. Ukraine dneprovskoe dno
    • 24 points
  4. Russia Solar Beam
    • 22 points – Winter Dreams won Head to Head vs Architects of Doom
  5. European Architects Of Doom
    • 22 points
  6. International The fresh pills from bel air
    • 21 points
  7. European Air Nomads Rebirth
    • 20 points
  8. Germany clap them cheeks
    • 18 points – 7 Tiebreaker Score
  9. European hopebusters
    • 18 points – 6,4 Tiebreaker Score
  10. Russia Team Spirit
    • 18 points – 4,5 Tiebreaker Score


Quarter Final 1: International Royalty HL vs Germany clap them cheeks
Quarter Final 2: Russia Solar Beam vs European Architects Of Doom
Quarter Final 3: Ukraine dneprovskoe dno vs International The fresh pills from bel air
Quarter Final 4: Russia Temporary Difficulties JR. vs European Air Nomads Rebirth

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  1. Sothis: :flag_rs: - CCP said:

    based cLanda getting into payoffs with 0 points

  2. suN said:

    am I the only one who can’t see div 4?

  3. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:

    suN I think it’s because that division still have some teams left to play the last week

  4. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:

    clanda always smashing those records

  5. John Cena: 哟什 said:

    clanda best team in hl history getting to playoffs without even having to win

  6. Skrills_biker: FPO said:


  7. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    we’ll publish div4, div1 and prem playoffs tonight
    also clanda won some matches but their all wins were against teams who dropped from the competition later xd

  8. Phoenix: pA - dneprodno said:

    clanda go go go