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Announcing Highlander Season 22!

Date August 1, 2020

Banner by UnitedKingdom soda

Announcing Highlander Season 22!

All the information regarding the coming Season can either be found in this newspost, or will be released shortly!

For tiers we’ll be aiming to run swiss again for Open, Low and Mid. This is still potentially subjected to change depending on the final signup numbers.

>>Signup Now!<<


Season Schedule

  • Signups: August  1st – August  25th 21:00 CEST (Premiership signup deadline is August 19th 21:00 CEST)
  • Publishing of Provisional Divisions: August 27th
  • Publishing of Final Divisions: August 29th
  • Premiership Qualifiers: August 21st – August 30th
  • Main Season: August 30th – October 2nd (5 Weeks)
  • Playoffs: October 4th – October 23rd

Map pool

Although we won’t be able to cram in a  preseason cup we are considering a map pool change.For this however we want some community input which can be done through the polls down below.

The following maps are already confirmed for the season.


The highlander config will be getting synced up to the 6s config which includes the addition of the following commands:

sm_deterministic_fall_damage 1
sm_fix_ghost_crossbow_bolts 1
sm_fix_slope_bug 1
sm_fix_sticky_delay 1
sm_remove_halloween_souls 1

More information on them can be found here https://github.com/ldesgoui/tf2-comp-fixes. If you’re running your own server make sure to also have the plugin.


We’re still discussing potential changes to the whitelist. Expect an update on this in the near future.

Map Pool Poll

This poll will be open until Wednesday 12th of August at 20 CEST.


1 – Unplayable
2 – Horrible
3 – Very Bad
4 – Bad
5 – Average
6 – Fine
7 – Good
8 – Very Good
9 – Great
10 – Masterpiece


Total Voters: 353

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Total Voters: 346

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Total Voters: 325

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Total Voters: 341

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Total Voters: 348

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Total Voters: 347

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Sign-up Process

Division 1 and 2 remain in place. Teams looking into playing in either of these divisions will need to sign up to High tier when signing up for the season. If teams would want to specify to which of these Divisions they want to be placed in, we strongly encourage teams to send in an application to us with the said method below.

Make sure to choose your desired tier when signing up for the season in the sign-up process. If you created a new team, feel free to apply for the tier you believe you deserve you should be in. To prove you are capable of the tier you applied for, we require you to submit screenshots or logs of results from your recent practice matches or tournaments where you scored decent results against teams that play on the level you aim for, send an application to [email protected] (details listed below) with a suitable subject. Emails with subjects like “Hello”, “Hi” or anything else that cannot be identified as a team applying for a tier by mail may be ignored. Teams signing up for the high division are advised to send an email whether they have a preference to either play division 1 or 2. If no email is send by a team signing up for high they will get placed by admins based on the roster of the team.

Additionally, since it happens time and time again, you do not sign up by mail, you sign up on the site and apply by mail if you are a newly formed team playing in anything higher than Open.

The quantity of screenshots or logs is not the most important factor in this case, it’s more of a helpful measure for us to figure out if your team will be able to keep up with the pace. There is no magical, minimum or maximum number of screenshots or logs that you have to submit.

When sending links to logs on logs.tf or similar it is highly recommended that you include a short explanatory comment for each linked log, e.g. who your opponents are supposed to be and where they played last season. Also helpful for us, but not a must, however, is adding who the opposing team is in each screenshot or log (and maybe even the division they played in the last time). That makes it easier for us because sometimes it can be quite hard (especially in the lower tiers) to figure out who the teams in the screenshots are. We will not accept plain lists of logs without any comments!

Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the tier you aim for. Established teams will be favored over new teams or teams that request to jump a tier. The screenshots have to be uploaded to an online image storage service (for example, you can use Imgur or Dropbox). Keep in mind that if you opt for zipped archives with tons of pictures attached to an e-mail, your application will be ignored. Keep it clean.

If you are applying for Open tier (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level.

Please send your application to [email protected]. The tier assignment request has to include the following information in order to be considered. Incomplete applications will be ignored!

  • Do not use HTML in your e-mail. If you want to add a link, just
    paste the link in the e-mail as you would enter it in your browser.
  • Team name
  • Team link on ETF2L.org
  • Tier you are applying for
  • Link to the online photo album with comments
  • Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

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  1. laiky: YN - SDCK! said:

    process 7/10

  2. mezzo: MAFIA - op_sqd said:

    +ashville -coalplant ;-;

  3. robin said:

    unban fos

  4. Sketis said:

    can you pls make an option “0” for warmtic ? the worst map ever made

  5. mak FP: BIG said:

    ash>coal errday

  6. Un4given: GANJA said:

    coalplant > ashville

  7. renton: TC - GMsU said:

    coal > ashville

  8. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    just put the old koth maps in and replace gully with propaganda tbh

  9. Axio said:

    if you rate ashville above coal you deserve a 1 year ban

  10. wiita: myx - L9 said:

    process 7/10

  11. MoreBuckets! said:

    Process 10/10

  12. 4hp said:

    ashville > coal :))))

  13. Basil said:

    dont really wanna play warmtic tbh

  14. Heed said:

    Please don’t do process I don’t want to suffer

  15. ZiggoKill: (League Admin) - Issue? - Issue! said:

    lakeside kinda pog doe :o

  16. mellow said:

    Normally I’d say Coal > Ash, but this is the renewed Ashville with no build in shutter so I’d definitely favor that. I’d say you should definitely check up on that version before voting based on whatever exp you might’ve had in UGC or w/e.


    Lakeside > Warmtic

  17. Broken said:

    coalplant > ashville

  18. Kireek: :Blinky: said:

    You have successfully voted for: 1

  19. Citrus: OCHOBA said:

    Why process instead of one of the koths, not instead of gully? And why is gully untouchable and sacred? To be honest, I’d rather prefer to play another pl or koth or maybe attack/defence cp instead of exciting bigdoor group masturbation party.
    0 to process, lakeside and ashville. Lakeside feels a bit too sniper map, ashville < coal, and process hl is a joke. If you love 5cp that much, propaganda was awesome.
    Clearcut seems good. Coal and warmtic are ok.

  20. WiseGenie said:


  21. kreumat: GYM said:

    pls warmtic and lakeside pls

  22. wiita: myx - L9 said:

    fuck gully

  23. ahmed1mustafa: *MUMBLE said:

    can we replace badwater with literally any of these maps or will it stay forever in rotation

  24. Axio said:

    Can we have barnblitz_pro please?

  25. STiNGHAN: inVincible said:

    Yes please, all I need is one more 5cp to play and nobuild ashville. Let’s get nobuild stairs on badwater 3rd and upward last to make spy’s life easier. Just add lakeside instead of gullywash. bollocks

  26. Xi said:

    wtf is clearcut and assvile doing there dont u dare add that trash in the rotation lakeside is playable and so is process idk why ppl hate warmtic its fine map coal>>>>>>>ASSville

  27. AsuX: /ff - inVincible said:

    Replace pl_badwater_pro_v9 with pl_prowater which is better in every aspect.

  28. ahmed1mustafa: *MUMBLE said:


  29. ExsioPicore said:

    Hey uh… Can you add prowater please ? Some people like me really want it.

  30. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    imagine asking gamers for ashville or warmtic but leaving badwater pro in favor of prowater or vigil bruh

  31. eSky said:

    Can we have prowater in the list

  32. Spoon1337 said:

    -Gullywash; +Propaganda

  33. noxcho said:

    could we get prowater?

  34. jyrkas said:

    prowater >>> badwater_pro

  35. Jonez: pizza said:

    Get Gravelpit back in

  36. STiNGHAN: inVincible said:

    prowater > badwater
    lakeside > gullywash
    coalplant > assvile

  37. borz: 2MNYCHDS said:

    put prowater version

  38. fnzkie said:

    I wanna see pl_prowater in map pool s22
    coalplant > ashville
    lakeside > gully

  39. slowmotion milk: VVV said:

    Process highlander pls pls

  40. pud.: LEGEND said:


  41. Dwapking: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ - HOUSE said:

    kill badwater

  42. - said:

    gimme f*cking prowater…

  43. S said:

    bro add prowater its awesome

  44. MEGA BABOON: UNHINGED - L9 said:

    -badwater +borneo

  45. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:

    99% of custom badwater maps are worse and the remaining % is about the same.

    5cp is just an awkward game type for highlander, (also why its never played in mixes), so i dont understand why gullywash is untouchable.

    UGC did not have 5cp this season, so as far as i am concerned UGC now has better map pool than etf2l LOL

  46. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    prowater > badwater
    lakeside > gullywash
    anything > process

  47. yesa said:



  48. .xio: SDCK! said:

    +prowater -badwater pls

  49. laiky: YN - SDCK! said:

    replace badwater with literally anything that is being voted they are always gonna be better than badwater

    but please get process in and keep warmtic :)

  50. Axio said:

    PLEASE no lakeside

  51. Sitheach: Arti Rush said:

    if 5 cp *has* to be included, it’d be nice to have it be propaganda instead of gully, but having coalplant/ashville *and* warmtic instead of a 5cp map would be better

  52. Citrus: OCHOBA said:

    You guys sayin that you don’t like gully right. Admins won’t get it. You need to use their language.

  53. Red: SHISZA - HV said:

    lakeside is better than all

  54. StellarHoxy said:

    no lakeside ewww,… maybe process (but instead of gully pls), clearcut is a neat idea, keep warmtic pls, and stick to coal?

  55. shelby: БРИГАДА said:

    I prefer prowater over badwater pro

  56. Ashley: CRO said:

    prowater and lakesidepro r good

  57. fraftti said:

    i fucking hate coalplant, i legit feel dread everytime i gotta play that LMAO

  58. fraftti said:

    gully>process in hl

  59. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:

    For the nerds saying we need a 5cp map. cp_steel already is a 5cp map. we have enough of them

  60. redlix: SDCK! said:

    process deffos 10 x)()()

  61. sunflower said:

    process? oh no back to the old days

  62. ollitf said:

    You have successfully voted for: 1

  63. Just.: LEGEND said:

    Steel? POG