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Highlander Season 18 Preseason Cup – Fixtures Released!

Date February 15, 2019


The fixtures for the Highlander Season 18 Preseason Cup are now released! The fixtures and tables can be seen within the competition tab in the ribbon. Remember to set your servers to the test whitelist before starting the game, the whitelist can be found here. To change the whitelist on a server running tftrue use the command rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 9715

  • Group stage round 1: February 16th 19:00 CET – pl_vigil_rc4
  • Group stage round 2: February 16th 20:30 CET – koth_lakeside_final
  • Group stage round 3: February 16th 21:15 CET – cp_alloy_rc3

Both pl_vigil_rc4 and cp_alloy_rc3 will be played as a bo3, and koth_lakeside will be played under standard league rules

You can leave feedback on the cup here.


  1. Wiethoofd: (Newswriter) - LvG said:

    If you use the regular ETF2L HL configs the preseason whitelist should automatically be executed.

    Alternatively you can use rcon tftrue_whitelist_id etf2l_9v9_s18pre in console (or !rcon in chat on serveme.tf servers)

  2. Sodium: (Head Admin) - .be - fluffy said:

    Added to command to the homepage fo the cup.

  3. Rockz: PIG said:

    never fucking add alloy anywhere, it’s capped under 1 minute altogheter or can’t be capped at all. feels super unbalanced, i mean if you can’t push it in one go, the defense is so strong you won’t pretty much get a second chance.
    lakeside is okay, haven’t played virgil

  4. anni: xodijkrgoi said:

    Alloy is beyond broken and bad, would not suggest adding it.
    There are better PL maps than vigil including the ones we currently have.
    Lakeside is your best pick if you want to try out a new map it’s pretty good.

  5. Leila: :3 - :Blinky: said:

    I am not sure if lakeside is better than warmtic tho

  6. Big Papa MattJ: Mq. said:

    Vigil is a good map, better than BW stock by far, people just need to learn to play it, and experiment on it, I feel like it has tons of potential.
    Lakeside yikeside, I dont think it should replace warmtic, the map itself is quite bad, one gigantic sightline with no ammo whatsoever and a huge skybox
    Alloy should never be replacing steel ever, its very flawed by design, defense is incredibly strong on it

    Overall nice cup o/

  7. Erupo89: ceo said:

    Unbelievable how Alloy made me regret steel. And i hate steel.

  8. Hajdzik: SUAVY - ㄕサ said:

    The word you were looking for Erupo, was “miss” not regret. Regret means something else.