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Announcing Season 32!

Date January 15, 2019

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Welcome to our 32nd Season of 6v6 Gaming!

We hope you’ve had an enjoyable Preseason Cup! Without further ado, we are very happy to be able to announce that our signups are open right now until the 25th of January 20.00 CET!

>>>> Sign up now! <<<<


That said, we are also looking for additional sponsors that would like to chip into Season 32. If you are interested or know a company, an organisation or an individual who is, do not hesitate to contact any staff member or send an email to [email protected]!


Sadly enough not able to acquire a sponsor for Season 32, however thanks to everybody that helps out this league with the partnership links on the side as well as the ad revenue we are still able to host a small prize pool.

Here are the prizes for next season’s Premiership division.

gold medal – 300 Euros

silver medal – 180 Euros

Season Schedule

  • Signups: January 13th – January 25th, 21:00 CET (Premiership signups will close early, on January 19th at 21:00 CET)
  • Publishing of Provisional Divisions: January 25th
  • Publishing of Final Divisions: January 26th
  • Pre-Season Premiership Qualifiers: January 21st – January 26th
  • Main Season: January 27th – March 15th
  • Playoffs: March 17 – April 7th

Unlocks and Map Pool

Map pool

As most of you have noticed we’ve had a preseason cup where we tested out some maps. As we want to get a better total view of people’s thoughts on the current map pool and the tried out we’ll be hosting a poll. This poll will end Thursday at 22 CET as we would like to finalize everything on time for the preseason playoffs.

Season 32 Preseason Map Vote



We’re still finalizing some minor changes to the whitelist. Expect an update on this shortly.

Sign-up process

We will be bringing Division 1 and 2 back in place for High Tier once again for Season 32! Teams looking into playing in either of these divisions will need to sign up to High tier when signing up for the season. If teams would want to specify to which of these Divisions they want to be placed in, we strongly encourage teams to send in an application to us with the said method below.

Make sure to choose your desired tier when signing up for the season in the sign-up process. If you created a new team, feel free to apply for the tier you believe you deserve you should be in. To prove you are capable of the tier you applied for, we require you to submit screenshots or logs of results from your recent practice matches or tournaments where you scored decent results against teams that play on the level you aim for, send an application to [email protected] (details listed below) with a suitable subject. Emails with subjects like “Hello”, “Hi” or anything else that cannot be identified as a team applying for a tier by mail may be ignored. Teams signing up for the high division are advised to send an email whether they have a preference to either play division 1 or 2. If no email is sent by a team signing up for high they will get placed by admins based on the roster of the team.

Additionally, since it happens time and time again, you do not sign up by mail, you sign up on the site and apply by mail if you are a newly formed team playing in anything higher than Open.

The quantity of screenshots or logs is not the most important factor in this case, it’s more of a helpful measure for us to figure out if your team will be able to keep up with the pace. There is no magical, minimum or maximum number of screenshots or logs that you have to submit.

When sending links to logs on logs.tf or similar it is highly recommended that you include a short explanatory comment for each linked log, e.g. who your opponents are supposed to be and where they played last season. Also helpful for us, but not a must, however, is adding who the opposing team is in each screenshot or log (and maybe even the division they played in the last time). That makes it easier for us because sometimes it can be quite hard (especially in the lower tiers) to figure out who the teams in the screenshots are. We will not accept plain lists of logs without any comments!

Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the tier you aim for. Established teams will be favored over new teams or teams that request to jump a tier. The screenshots have to be uploaded to an online image storage service (for example, you can use Imgur or Dropbox). Keep in mind that if you opt for zipped archives with tons of pictures attached to an e-mail, your application will be ignored. Keep it clean.

If you are applying for Open tier (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level.

Please send your application to [email protected]. The tier assignment request has to include the following information in order to be considered. Incomplete applications will be ignored!

  • Do not use HTML in your e-mail. If you want to add a link, just paste the link in the e-mail as you would enter it in your browser.
  • Team name
  • Team link on ETF2L.org
  • Tier you are applying for
  • Link to the online photo album with comments
  • Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

Season 31 Promotions/Demotions

All Open and Low playoff teams, finalists of Mid tier and Division 2, as well as the winners of Division 1, will receive a promotion to the next highest tier unless their starting roster has changed by more than half of their players.

The bottom two teams in Premiership will be demoted and will not have a confirmed Premiership spot. This means that they might have to compete with any potential premiership teams in the preseason playoffs if they wish to stay in Premiership. Additionally, the bottom two teams of Division 1 and 2 groups will also be demoted to the next lowest Tier.

All promotions and demotions are open for admin discretion. This is in order to make sure the tiers are as good as they can possibly be. If you are uncertain about being promoted or demoted you can follow the above mentioned sign-up process to give additional information about your team.

If you intend to sign up for the Premiership Tier we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Due to the Premiership Qualifiers happening while signups are still open, we will only consider teams for the Premiership Qualifiers that signed up before January 19th at 21:00 CET. Additionally, we expect teams without a guaranteed Premiership Division spot to be able to compete on the provided Premiership Qualifier dates.

We expect all aspiring Premiership Tier teams to send either us an email or directly contact a league admin on Steam or Discord with at least your intended roster. You must also include evidence of your ability to compete with premiership level teams.

Teams that do not send an email or contact admins risk losing their spot in the Premiership Qualifiers.

ETF2L on social media:

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  1. T.J aka Kacperski75 said:

    Also please take into consideration how current snake is completly broken.

  2. Raf: pen15 - hlpugs said:

    No metalworks in the pool :(

  3. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    Even if Snakewater is bugged, abusing the bugs with it will still not be allowed.

    6.1 Bug-Using is not allowed
    Any kind of “Bug-Using” is not allowed. Player using bugs will be punished.

  4. gilga: myx - Nein said:

    When I hear logjam I think to myself “yes”.

    When I hear badlands I think to myself “no”.

  5. Starach: BL said:

    I would love to see Logjam in the pool, that map has potential.

  6. NeuTronas said:

    New KOTH maps are terrible. Product too.

  7. MoreBuckets! said:

    Ordinance? to be honest you should bring it to Highlander this is awful for 6v6.
    Isla was good
    Logjam was fine

    and please delete granary from even considering to get it in please lol(says a scout main).

    Bring maps that the Team Fortress 2 community enjoyed to play 6v6 on from any region look what ESEA NA players enjoy playing on like Metalworks or Bagel.

    Keep up the good work!

  8. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    It’s awesome to finally see a vote where we can see how popular the current maps are. I think it’s too bad maps like reckoner of metalworks weren’t considered, but on the other hand it would be pointless to have a preseason cup and choose other maps that weren’t played in the cup. Hopefully these maps will be tested/considered next season.

  9. Samus: OPFOR - Dr. med. said:

    Reckoner and Metalworks please!

    Plus consider doing this for the next Highlander Season as well.

  10. MoreBuckets! said:

    Reckorner was decent but i don’t think it should be picked again, Metalworks should be put in though,
    as i said ordinance is really bad map for 6’s but could have potential in HL, Isla would have potential in Highlander aswell but it is a good map to be added in s32.

  11. Lond_o_n said:


  12. Collaide said:

    -prolands -granary pro -product +logjam +Reckoner +propaganda

  13. kcr: cooking - beans said:

    My review of isla https://youtu.be/iYePvYI8GFw

  14. kpopfan69: GADOU said:

    remove gran and replace it with logjam. Also add metalwork to the pool next time please!

  15. Foz: (ETF2L Donator) - 124 - -Xe- said:


  16. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    + logjam -prolands is blessed
    Next time add Metalworks to the poll too :)

  17. MoreBuckets! said:


    January 25nd?

  18. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:


    thanks for pointing it out!