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Season 31 powered by Copenhagen Games & STN.tf: Premiership Qualifiers Announcement!

Date September 15, 2018

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The signups for the Premiership tier for Season 31 are closed and we’re happy to announce our decision regarding our highest tier!

European Se7en, UnitedKingdom the fellowship and Norway Ora Elektro will retain their Premiership spot due to their placement last season and not changing more than half of their roster.

Cuba Flush Agency Headquarters won Division 1 in season 30 and will receive a guaranteed spot as well. We’ve also decided to give UnitedKingdom ComedyShortsGaming a direct invite to Premiership due to their roster strength.

The last team directly invited to the Premiership tier is Sweden Faint Gaming due to their roster and the results submitted to the admin team.

This leaves us with the last 2 spots being decided in the Premiership Qualifiers between 4 teams in a Double Bracket format. The four teams will be Israel Foreskings, Germany wer das liest ist doof, England Two foreigners up front and SouthAfrica nunya.

These will be the first games:

The winners will go on to play against each other in the Upper Bracket final, with the winner of that game claiming a Premiership spot for themselves. The losers will play each other in the Lower Bracket. The winner of that game will then play the loser of the Upper Bracket Final for the last Premiership spot. The teams that do not qualify for Premiership will be guaranteed a spot in Division 1.

You can see the complete setup here: https://etf2l.org/season-31-premiership-qualifiers/

The playoffs will take place from Sunday 16th until Sunday 23rd September. If your team is running into any scheduling issues then let the admin team know as soon as possible so we can try to help.

ETF2L’s partners:

Make sure to visit our sponsors STN.tf and Copenhagen Games!

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  1. stexer: KKK said:

    Go yak

  2. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ - Olut said:

    yak yak yak