Blapature Co. Summer Jam: a 24h TF2 charity stream!
July 29, 2017
We here at ETF2L do not only care about the competitive side of Team Fortress 2… we also appreciate any community run TF2 charity event! Much like, a bunch of Youtubers got together and founded/ run an group called BlapatureCo. The group is dedicated to do good while playing and showing off TF2. And they are going to do so today from 19:00 CEST for a full day over at their BlapatureCo stream.
All funds raised will benefit an organisation called Child’s Play, which is raising money for children in hospitals in order to provide them with any kind of (board)games and make wishes come true.
The event will feature a variety of different sections, including a competitive 6v6 mix on sunday, 1 am CEST. Make sure to tune in and watch out for some familiar faces!
Charity streams would not be nearly as fun if there weren’t any perks for you guys. Read all about them right here! We don’t want to spoil too much… but there may or may not be ingame medals for donors… (‘Shut up and take my money’-alert, anyone?).
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