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A new approach to scheduling

Date July 13, 2017

Previously we only announced dates for seasons when the announcement post was made. From this post on we are planning on having quarterly news posts stating the provisional schedule with the dates for the upcoming seasons over the next 6 months these posts will be posted around the first of January, April, July and October. There is also a google calendar with all this information that can be viewed here, or under the league tab.

These posts will only contain provisional dates for 6v6 and HL seasons and will not include most cups as these are usually not planned far ahead and are subject to significant schedule changes far closer to the announcement. As these dates will be provisional they are not final and while they are not expected to change significantly more concrete dates will be published in a seasons announcement post or home page.

For the period approximately 1 July 2017 – 31 December 2017:

Season 27

21 May – 7 July Regular Season
9 July – 26 July Postseason Playoffs

Highlander Season 13

26 June – 14 July Signups
8 July – 15 July Preseason Playoffs
16 July – 20 August Regular Season
27 August – 10 September Postseason Playoffs

Season 28

3 September – 16 September Signups
10 September – 16 September Preseason Playoffs
17 September – 5 November Regular Season
5 November – 19 November Postseason Playoffs

Highlander Season 14

29 October – 11 November Signups
5 November – 11 November Preseason Playoffs
12 November – 16 December Regular Season
7 January – 20 January Postseason Playoffs

There will be preseason cups preceding all major seasons shortly before or during signups.

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  1. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  2. streep36: (ETF2L Donator) - notdoggo - KAAS said:

    Will Highlander Be Alive By Season 14?

  3. Nicky: DTR said:

    is there a gap in season 28 for i61, and if so what weeks will be skipped/delayed

  4. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    insomnia is before the season

  5. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    Yeehaw i61 is the 25-28 of august so it is over a week before season 28 signups open

  6. Nicky: DTR said:

    Ah true, thanks

  7. adysky said:

    Please make s13 hl the last one, you are milking a dead cow

  8. Nicky: DTR said:

    I don’t think there’s any reason to stop people playing hl if they enjoy it. It would just drive people from etf2l as well

  9. Clark: SDCK! said:

    As long as there’s the demand I see no reason to stop hl seasons from happening. A total of 74 teams are currently signed up for s13, so considering each team has at ~12 people on the roster it is approximately 900 players who are playing it.

    P.S. Should ETF2L drop highlander all these teams will just go to UGC and play there – it’s impossible to brute force someone into stopping to play the game mode all together.

  10. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Signups have improved for this HL Season compared to the last one

  11. Fire: SENS said:

    maybe cuz its the summer