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One Night Cup Update

Date April 27, 2017


Due to feedback we have received we are making a small adjustment to the test whitelist for the One Night Cup being held on Saturday. In addition to the unbanning of the Solemn Vow and banning the Vaccinator, we are also going to ban the Crusaders Crossbow. The new test whitelist can be found here.

In order to change the whitelist on a server running TFTrue execute the following command “rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 7170”.

The signups for this cup are will be open till tomorrow evening at 22 CEST so you still have time to signup if you have not done so. The Groups and Fixtures should be out within a few hours of the signups closing. You can sign up to the cup from here, for more details about the cup please remember to read the previous news post about it.

If you have any feedback regarding the maps or whitelist changes please leave it in either the maps or whitelist discussion thread on our forum.
If you have any more general feedback or questions please contact us on our IRC Support Channel or on our Discord.

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  1. divider: 2MNYCHDS said:

    I just bought strange crusaders crossbow for this season:(

  2. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    It is only a whitelist for this cup, it does not mean it will be used this season.

  3. Qohen: ranch said:

    damn that’s harsh

  4. divider: 2MNYCHDS said:

    New overdose meta coming

  5. Chill Collins said:

    Fuck off for making medic boring as fuck!

  6. Spriggan said:

    Banning Crusader’s Crossbow?
    May be will you ban Ubersaw too?

  7. Detoed.: (inactive) said:
