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Monday Night demo bans

Date April 3, 2017

Demo Bans

The following players have failed to upload demos twice, and have been banned from the league for two weeks:

The following players have failed to upload demos three times, and have been banned from the league for two months:

A reminder to our players that per the ETF2L rule 2.4, Every player has to record demos. Even though I’m writing this as the AC senior, the majority of demo requests are requested at random partly to make sure our players record their demos. Important to note that we also reduce or remove these bans if the requested demos can be provided. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need assistance.

Have a nice day people.


  1. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

  2. alle: vs said:

    suck my dick

  3. zaint said:


  4. 31: ceo said:


  5. princess dvs: 0fo said:

    Thanks for losing us the next two games ;DDDDDD

  6. Included_Middle: Bully said:


  7. Harry: MAGDONAL - :Blinky: said:

    >Gorzum put on sub, so FTH can main
    >FTH banned

    Admin favouritism?

  8. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    @dvs, surely it’s our fault that your players are unable to even use the in-game demo recording system, I see.

    Repeating this just in case, if your players do have their demos lying around after all then feel free to contact us in IRC so we could unban them.

  9. Yxxo: TSM - pizza said:

    rip CRAZYBWAII????

  10. Gorzum said:

    >mfw I agree to be put on sub and the main gets banned

  11. gemm: doggo said:

    HUGE bans excellent work guys

  12. Fire: SENS said:

    rip yahoo

  13. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:


  14. WRU said:

    bye fsal

  15. Just1s: JUMP said:


  16. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Recording demos with the P-REC plugin
    P-REC is a TF2 plugin for Windows operating systems created by Ukraine Orange that records demos, takes screenshots and logs your killstreaks automatically.
    This guide will explain how to install and configure P-REC. All you need is the P-REC files and Team Fortress 2 installed.

  17. pixel said:

    ريست ان بيس تركي التميمي

  18. Pahan: RUS - OCHOBA said:


  19. extrasolar: officer - TC said:

    fth LUL

    l8r idiot

  20. Piro said:

    HUGE bans

  21. Sergeant Brown said:

    So, what; every member of a team has to record and upload their own demos of games, even when the other team members have already recorded and uploaded demos of said games?

  22. Faisal: :think: said:

    i got this undercontrol

  23. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    @Sergeant Brown

    Every player is expected to record officials, but you only have to upload your demo if you’ve been specifically asked to.

  24. pingu: PIRAAT - Bestest said:

    Dutchies hacking once again smh

  25. fsal: dirt ( Y ) said:

    бан за клевету

  26. Sergeant Brown said:



    Great, that’s just great; please tell me the process of recording AND uploading demos is at the very least really easy and convenient to do.

  27. spddl! said:


    RIP Alle

  28. Jan: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    @Sergeant Brown: It IS really easy, yes. There are even two different tools available which make recording automatic; integrated Demo Support and 3rd party P-REC. Uploading is just a matter of zipping files and uploading them to the site through the provided interface.

  29. marten: TBC said:

    Who would have thought, i made the list :D

  30. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    @Sergeant Brown

    You can also just manually record, remember you only have to record your ETF2L matches.

  31. BeS: ceo said:

    dffdls uploaded his demos but he was too lazy to talk with an admin

  32. Sergeant Brown said:


    >”uploading is just a matter of zipping files”

    …Right, right… How does one zip files actually?

  33. marten: TBC said:

    On windows: rightclick on the file you want and than click “Send To …. Compressed folder”.
    Or you could use a tool like 7zip or winrar. I recommend reading https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/14200/windows-compress-uncompress-zip-files

  34. Jan: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    @BeS: He actually contacted us just few hours before the post went up. That’s why he only got 2 weeks instead of 2 months.

    And Sergeant Brown, I don’t know anymore what you’re trying to prove. You don’t even play in the league and you’re trying to make a big deal out of it because it’s apparently “too hard to record and upload demos.”

  35. BeS: ceo said:

    @Jan so why did you ban him? He uploaded his demos and contacted you before the ban post. he shouldn’t even get banned .-.

  36. Jan: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    He only got 2 weeks because he uploaded the demos.

  37. BeS: ceo said:

    And why ppl like sorex, for example, got unbanned just for uploading the demos days/weeks after the ban post? Dffdls uploaded his demos before the ban post and so he doesn’t deserve to be banned that’s all.

  38. Chasing: TC: Ox - TC said:


  39. Nate said:

    yahoo haHHA

  40. Jan: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    @BeS: dffdls had enough infractions for 2 months ban. He uploaded 1 demo which lowered his ban to 2 weeks. If he uploads demo for another match we’ll gladly unban him. Do you understand now?

  41. BeS: ceo said:

    Lolwut? It doesn’t make any sense! You are basically banning again for the same demos of a like 3 years old match because he has uploaded the demos of the last request?!?

  42. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    If I would be honest I’m actually on BeS’ side on this one, since dffdls was already banned for 2 weeks in the past for demos as well already.

    I will try to get in contact with other admins to forward your message.

  43. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    Alright, the whole situation has been fixed up now and he has been unbanned. We apologize for the overlook on our part as we had thought first that he had not even received his 2 week ban in the past.

  44. BeS: ceo said:

    No problem.. thx bloodis for solving the issue

  45. Popcorp said:

    Scuffed admins Cx TriHard

  46. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    How do these short term bans work? Seems like most will expire before any matches begin for those players.

  47. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:


    Half of the players who did receive 2 week bans were rostered in teams that are about to have matches for them in the next following weeks, and in that case we did not want to hold the rest of the 2 week bans for a lengthy amount of time until the next 6v6 season will start.

  48. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    @kaidus: they are essentially missing HL week 2 and 3

  49. L-iNC said:

    Any chance you could send email notification when you request a demo?

  50. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    When we request a demo, an email is sent to the team leaders, deputies and war arrangers

  51. L-iNC said:

    I guess you don’t have a system for it but it would be best if the player whose demo you ask for would get the email. (Because you know, some team leaders are dicks and won’t tell you your demo has been requested, especially if they kicked you from the team before the request. :D:D)