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Season 26 Powered by Tt ESPORTS Premiership Grand Final: Se7en vs Arctic Foxes!

Date March 25, 2017


There is only one match to play, one final chance for a European team to unseat the imperious European Se7en from their throne at the top of EU TF2. It has been the German lineup of European Arctic Foxes that has made it to this final, rather than the predicted showdown with nerdRage, but it should be just as, if not more, exciting. The Foxes have it all: veterans, incredible individual aim and intuition, but do they have the coordination and tactics to topple the kings? The ball is definitely in their court, as Se7en have nothing to prove. Their credentials as champions are visible for all to see.
Join Nuze and Bren for this ultimate showdown between Europe’s finest, with Beater on analysis, over at teamfortress.tv.
P.S (stolen from Bobmus): “8 teams played this season. Only 1 can win, which means 7 have to lose. :thinking:”

Match Overview
European Se7en vs European Arctic Foxes
Grand Final (Premiership)
Date Sunday, March 26th 20:45 CEST



2 - 1



5 - 2

European Se7en [6:0] European Arctic Foxes

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  1. . said:


  2. extrasolar: officer - TC said:

    lowpander not in final FeelsBadMan

  3. Hannes: ..d1ck said:
