Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Premiership Week 2 – 3/6 vs Lowpander
February 5, 2017
After a fairly sound beating in week 1 at the hands of K!, uubers and his boys are facing off against a slightly less favoured lineup in the form of
3/6. Although their very offclass-oriented system had varying degrees of success – including an impressive spire cap denial 2K from
Muuki as heavy – their cookie cutter format seemed to not be bad at all, so we could expect to see more of that as the season goes on.
3/6 had an obviously tough opponent in week 1 (which was confusingly played this week due to Rewind LAN refresh time for se7en), so this will also be a step down in competition for them, and given how little the sample size of matches so far have been, this could be a fixture that goes either way.
Match Overview
3/6 vs
Politically correct pander
Week 2 (Premiership)
Sunday, February 5th 20:00 CET

0 - 3

0 - 4
3/6 [0:6]
Politically correct pander
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