i58 TF2 LAN Tournament
August 26, 2016
It’s actually here! The moment we’ve all been waiting for, the culmination of teams battling to win Prem, to win DreamHack to find the teammates and the chemistry to build a world champion squad. Rest assured that the pinnacle of European TF2 is represented, our four time champions Se7en is participating, alongside top teams such as
Full Tilt,
Unexpected and
shredded autism, who made some LAN changes. But wait there’s more, a little team by the name of Froyotech, you may have heard of them, are flying in from the Americas. Oh, and let’s not forget that we have people from down under coming to shake things up, reigning Ozfortress champions Jasmine Tea have made it all the way to the UK from Oceania. All of this will be covered by an immensely talented production team put together by our good friends over at teamfortess.tv. You may notice that it holds, not one but three caster of season recipients, all in all their crew has a total of 12 ETF2L awards between themselves. So this is a must for anyone who loves TF2. Games will run starting today and all through the weekend. So be sure to tune in! Viewer’s guide.
is this real? http://puu.sh/qPayg/cda08910c4.png
well the stream’s been an absolute trainwreck so far
no @happycat
stream redeemed itself!